Toe Reading

Toe Reading

Toe Reading is a fascinating healing art using active listening, powerful, soul searching questions and deeply skilled insight to help people create change in in their lives. Becoming a Toe Reader is a wonderful way to share your healing gifts with the world by sitting in front of a “sole” to fully witness their life story and ask potent questions that brings awareness and positive changes to the client.

Toe Reading is based on the theory that each individual records a holograph of the story of their life and stores it within the body. The position and shape of the toes contain this story, which can be read by a skilled practitioner. By observing someone’s toes you can learn a great deal about their past experiences and current issues. Toes reveal how a person copes with their feelings and thoughts. A Toe Reader addresses and coaches the client on a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level.

Toe Reading is not like counseling or palm reading. A trained Toe Reader humbly listens to the client, quietly makes observations, feels the energy in the toes, makes inquiries and presents metaphoric connections. Master Toe Readers move the person to action by asking questions to propel someone to integration and healing.

After completing the Toe Reading Level I class (16 hours of training) you can begin marketing your skills and building a practice and clientele.

FAQ: Toe Reading

Why become a Toe Reader?

It is a unique way to share your intuitive gifts with the world in a loving and profitable way. If you have felt that you have a greater purpose in your life and want to touch others’ lives, then becoming a Registered Toe Reader may be the path for you.

Do people actually take Toe Reading seriously?

Master Toe Reader and author of “Toe Reading: Are you walking your destined path?”, KC Miller has been interviewed on CNN, featured on MTV’s reality dating program NEXT and numerous news and radio programs to discuss the amazing art of toe reading. Dozens of newspaper and magazine articles have been published about Toe Reading. We have documented hundreds of people gathering to get their toes read by SWIHA Toe Readers at national events. The response has always been a rich and positive experience.

What does it take to become a Toe Reader?

To begin as a Level I Toe Reader, it is as easy as completing 16 hours of training, either On campus or Online with the first course; RF 150 Toe Reading – Reflexology Assessment I – Elemental. This course teaches you the elemental language of Toe Reading. You will understand the life areas all five toes represent and what the lumps, bumps and distortions in the toes suggest about a person’s life path.

Students learn to use advanced observation and communication skills to reveal the stories the toes metaphorically tell. You will complete two short readings in the first half of the training and two more comprehensive readings by the end of the course. After the first 16 hours of training you will be ready to start reading the toes of your family and friends and start accepting tips, or even charging for a Toe Reading session. Marketing yourself as a Toe Reader is key, so we cover this in the first course, and set you on the path to becoming a successful Toe Reader/Soul Coach.

Why is the course called Toe Reading – Reflexology Assessment? Do you have to be a Reflexologist to be a Toe Reader?

Toe Reading has its roots in the study of reflexology, however most people who take the Toe Reading classes at SWIHA are not reflexologists, body workers or therapists of any kind. Toe Reading students are people who really want to understand how to relate to others on more personal and intimate way.

Some people become a Toe Reader for fun and use the techniques for entertaining and delighting people with what they know or can tell. However, the majority of SWIHA’s Toe Reading students are interested in using Toe Reading as a business skill. Toe Reading can open the door to a clientele that needs additional healing work and can assist any Healing Arts Practitioner in building a successful practice.

Who makes a good Toe Reader?

Life Coaching, Spiritual Coaching, and Reflexology aligns most closely to Toe Reading. People from all walks of life have taken the Toe Reading course, including Hypnotherapists, Massage Therapists, Aestheticians, Podiatrists, Nail Technicians and Psychologists.

Great communication skills are developed in our advanced Toe Reading classes to help you get deep into a client’s emotional and spiritual self. When you sit with people in this new way, you can experience how spiritually penetrating Toe Reading can be. SWIHA’s Toe Reading program deeply hones your intuitive abilities so you can hold space for their client and assist them in positive transformation.

Do people get emotional during a Toe Reading session?

It is very common for people to experience emotions during a Toe Reading session because they acknowledge their story in their very soul. A sole to soul connection truly happens in a Toe Reading session. An initial observation can turn into a deep soul-reaching realization. Toe Reading can be a deeply spiritual experience of self-discovery and self-recovery. Many people release emotional energy in a variety of ways, not always with tears. A Toe Reader trained in SWIHA’s program learns to hold space for any release that can happen in a session.

Do the toes change?

Absolutely! Sometimes toes can change right before your eyes during a session. You may feel something let go or find a client making moving or sounds as their physical, emotional, mental or spiritual body balances. A trained Toe Reader can note these changes and assist their client to feel a new awareness. Toes hold energy in them, just like the rest of our body. The shape, direction, and flexibility may change as a person’s life does. A Toe Reader assists the client in shifting their perspective and moving forward in a new and exciting way.

Explore Toe Reading

Are you interested in Toe Reading, but are unsure about signing up for the full program? At SWIHA, we are so committed to helping you achieve your dream, we invite you to take a test drive and sit in on the first 4 hours of any introductory class before you decide whether to enroll. Get a first-hand feel for what SWIHA is all about!

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Tuition Assistance

SWIHA is a nationally-accredited college approved by the United States Department of Education. Students enrolled in programs of 600 hours or more may qualify for Federal Student Aid in the form of Pell grants and student loans. Students may be eligible for Federal financial aid for Yoga-integrated programs and both the 600 & 800 hour YTT diploma programs. Title IV Financial Aid is available to those who qualify.

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