Our Success Center is SWIHA’s Entrepreneurial and Placement Division’s dedication to the success of students and graduates of Southwest Institute of Healing Arts, SWIHA Online, Southwest Institute of Natural Aesthetics and Spirit of Yoga.
We provide our graduates with the tools and support the self-confidence to take the leap into the professional world or entrepreneurship. This unique approach has multiple integrated pieces anchored firmly in the cornerstone divisions of Placement Resources and Entrepreneurial Resources. These departments are combined into an entity we proudly call Our Success Center.
As our students make their way along the road to success, we guide them towards the idea of not simply placement, but of self-empowerment to place themselves.
Lifelong placement assistance is an important part of Our Success Center. We coach them towards solidly walking their own individualized career path—one that will eventually lead them to enjoying their job so much that they do not feel they are working, but living the life of their dreams.
Initially, all new students have an orientation to Our Success Center and are introduced to our “Don’t Wait ‘Till You Graduate” strategy.
The placement team and the graduate together analyze where the student currently is or plans to be when they graduate.
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