SWIHA Offers: Healing Arts and Holistic Wellness Events

SWIHA has so much to offer!

Tour Our Campus

Visit our campus in Tempe on Southern and McClintock to experience our tranquil student massage clinic, state-of-the-art teaching kitchen, entrepreneurial business center, bookstore and more! You can also schedule a Q&A with one of our Admissions Coaches. Email us at info@swiha.edu.

4-hour Guest Pass On-campus Only

Be our guest in an on campus class! Complimentary & commitment-free. Call student services at (480) 588-8670 or email us at registrar@swiha.edu for available opportunities and to request your pass.
Click to view our digital class calendar
Click to view our upcoming classes

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Gifts and Graces Monthly Event

You’re invited to enjoy an evening with our conscious commUNITY. Every first Friday, a keynote speaker shares a meaningful presentation, followed by complimentary mini-sessions of Life Coaching, Reiki, Toe Reading and more! Visit our Events Calendar for more information.

Connect With Us virtually or in-person

View and register for our upcoming educational Webinars or Open Houses. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram to see our news & commUNITY.

Read Our Blogs

Stay up-to-date with the latest wellness trends and read about our Great Graduates on the SWIHA blog!

Our Specialty Clinics

Experience a wide range of modalities offered by our gifted students as they complete their specialty training at Our Specialty Clinics.

Payment Options

Financial Aid is available to those who qualify. Interest-free payment plan options available. Contact us about work exchange opportunities for on campus students who qualify.

Are you ready to do Big things in the world?

We will never sell or share your information with anyone.

I hereby give my express consent for Southwest Institute of Healing Arts to contact me by phone, email, mail, and/or text message.

Are you ready to do Big things in the world?

We will never sell or share your information with anyone.

I hereby give my express consent for Southwest Institute of Healing Arts to contact me by phone, email, mail, and/or text message.


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