Yoga Nidra

Yoga Nidra, or “psychic sleep,” is an ancient practice that allows the body and mind to enter into a deeply relaxed state with the intention of bringing the conscious mind into harmony with the subconscious and unconscious. Essentially, while the body enters a state of sleep, the mind is guided into a place between sleep and wakefulness in order to accept positive instructions from a facilitator. These instructions are meant to promote mental healing through the power of unconscious visualization, pranic healing through the flow of light and energy in the body, and an increased sense of will power and resilience.

Yoga Nidra
On-campus & Online – Certificate of Excellence – 100 hours – Tuition

This powerful technique of synchronization has been shown to be useful in eliminating the root causes of negative thinking and stress. Through the perspective gained in Yoga Nidra, we may reduce the impact of tension-related disorders like hypertension, depression, insomnia, asthma, anxiety, chronic pain, digestive illnesses, and much more. Yoga Nidra is also shown to be highly effective in training the mind to access its natural well of creativity, problem solving, memory faculties, and learning abilities.


Kamini Desai – PhD, E-RYT 500
On-Campus Lead Instructor

Program Director of the Amrit Yoga Institute, as well as a developer of their core curriculum.
Yoga Alliance Approved Teacher Kamini Desai is a nationally renowned teacher, welcomed in over ten countries around the world, and a recognized expert in the field of Yoga Nidra. For more than 20 years, Kamini has worked to combine Western psychology, medicine, and Eastern philosophy to create an exciting body of teaching in Yoga Nidra. Trained at the Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health, Kamini earned degrees in Anthropology and Psychology from Smith College and La Salle University. She was also a former President and Program Director of the Amrit Yoga Institute, as well as a developer of their core curriculum.

Yoga Nidra Classes (On Campus)

Yoga Nidra I
Explore the original intent of yoga, the three states of consciousness, and Yoga Nidra as a tool for accessing the fourth state.
Yoga Nidra II
Learn about the aura, the koshas, and how to access the subtle sheath where karmic impressions are held.
Yoga Nidra III
Discover the secrets of each of the Yoga Nidra practices, their benefits, precautions, and areas of proven efficacy.
Yoga Nidra IV
Survey some of the most powerful applications of Yoga Nidra for stress relief, health, habits and addictions, pain management, and depression.
Yoga Nidra Practicum
Gain practical applied experience by facilitating Yoga Nidra sessions in individual and group settings.

Advanced Yoga Nidra Classes (On Campus)

The following advanced classes are available to student with six months of experience either teaching or practicing Yoga Nidra after receiving their Certificate of Excellence:

Yoga Nidra V – Advanced Techniques Part I:
Build and deepen your Yoga Nidra practice by dlving deeper in the kosha and exploring how the Wisdom Body is the key to breaking internal patterns.
Yoga Nidra VI – Advanced Techniques Part II:
Learn to use Yoga Nidra protocols for those seeking emotional integration and solutions for trauma, PTSD, and energetic blockages, as well as for children.

Yoga Nidra Classes (Online)

Yoga Nidra I: Immersion ONLINE
Learn how yoga nidra takes you to subtle realms where karmic patterns that are solid and difficult to change in the waking state are more fluid and easy to shift in the meditative sleep state.
Yoga Nidra II: Working with Clients ONLINE
Learn the secrets of each of the yoga nidra practices, their benefits, precautions, and areas of proven efficacy from both the eastern and western perspective.
Yoga Nidra III: Advanced Applications ONLINE
Learn how to use Yoga Nidra protocols to aid those seeking emotional integration and solutions for stress, PTSD, addiction, anxiety, depression, insomnia, and other forms of energetic blockages.

NOTE: Certificates of Excellence are areas of concentration designed to take as CEU’s or to be taken within a diploma or degree program; they will not prepare you for gainful employment if taken independently. Only vocational programs of 600 hours or more are eligible for Federal Financial Aid.

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