Adrian Ealy: SWIHA Yoga Teacher Training & Massage Practitioner Graduate: Impacting His Community through Healing From the Heart

Posted by Erik Teichmann on 7/2/15 5:01 PM

Adrian-Ealy-1Adrian Ealy is a multitalented and equally meticulous practitioner who’s calling and current practice as an energetic bodyworker complements his strong background in Kung Fu and fitness. His approach to his own thriving health, as well as those he serves, integrates mental, emotional and spiritual well-being. Thanks to a series of events, conversations and a strong sense of discernment on his part, Adrian’s journey is now very much in alignment with his purposeful calling.

Just before his studies began, Adrian worked for a corporate company, and began noticing signs of stress and strain on his body. His knowledge in fitness led him to pursue yoga as an additional means of healing physical discomfort, especially because the roots of Kung Fu stem directly from yoga. Adrian chose to enroll in Yoga Teacher Training at Spirit of Yoga offered through Southwest Institute of Healing Arts (SWIHA) solely for the purpose enhancing his own personal practice.

Actively doing the work required in the Yoga Teacher Training program, Adrian was gifted a certificate to receive a massage. He willing took advantage of the opportunity to receive as massage as he was still experiencing job-related discomfort.

During his massage, Adrian gained a deep respect for the practice of massage; he realized that a stranger, in a therapeutic setting, could touch another person, not just physically, rather also on a more profound level, assisting in the healing of emotional and spiritual aspects as well. Physical contact was unfamiliar to Adrian due to his cultural upbringing so his first therapeutic touch connection imprinted a deep interest in Adrian to seek to understand massage and its healing properties further.

Through each life and learning experience, Adrian chose to trust and follow his intuition in pursuit of a soul-fulfilling journey as an energetic bodyworker!

Adrian-Ealy-2Very soon after receiving his first therapeutic massage Adrian received confirmation from three different sources he was a “natural teacher” and would be a “valuable asset” to have as a mentor, coach or teacher in the Healing Arts.

When Adrian heard ‘the call’ he chose to act upon it. Taking to the computer, Adrian searched the key terms, “Healing Arts Arizona” and saw SWIHA surface quickly. To this day, he recalls writing on an index card his “Short-term” and, what he calls, “Larger-than-Life” intentions.

Short term: “I’m going to go to SWIHA.”

Larger-than-Life: “I will co-create a community that teaches each other values and virtues in the ways of healing and compassion.”

After a brief meeting with KC Miller, the founder of SWIHA, Adrian enrolled in the Massage Practitioner Program to study massage and its many benefits. Once again, he knew that he had followed his intuitive guidance, as massage harmonized well with his background in traditional Kung Fu by striking a balance between physically subduing another for safety, while also using movement of the body to heal. Instinctively, he knew massage would further enhance his knowledge of the body and deepen his Kung Fu practice, while also serving as an avenue for him to help others heal.

Adrian’s healing practice combines his strong background in Kung-Fu and fitness with yoga, massage and polarity, aiming to create balance on all levels: spiritual, mental, emotional and physical.

Adrian’s studies continued to open doors and opportunities to more and more modalities which supported his evolving practice. Moving into the study of Polarity Therapy, under the direction of Gary Strauss, Adrian found that the art of truly being present with another allowed for another person to heal themselves quickly and safely.

Adrian-Ealy-3Adrian’s practice has evolved into one where he is at his optimal emotional, physical and spiritual health, and he has the ability to serve in the capacity for others to experience the same. His practice is ideal as he feels it serves as a meditative process for both him as the practitioner, as well as his clients. Adrian shares that it is an honor to observe the bodily processes in self and clients while also feeding the parts of him that let him relate to others on a deeper level of connection.

As Adrian has gained a closer bond with mentors from each course, he also has stepped up to serve alongside many in their respective organizations. For years now, Adrian has served with the non-profit organization, Conscious Community Yoga; he plans to continue serving alongside founder and former instructor, Christy Burnette.

Adrian’s ideal and most common clients are those who seek a deeper spiritual connection with Self and others, and who are open to significant change that supports them in reaching their optimal health physically, emotionally and spiritually. He can be reached at Adrian@ccyoga.org

If you are beginning to hear ‘the call’ to explore Yoga Teacher Training, to become a Massage Therapist or to study the depths of Polarity Therapy please go to www.swiha.edu or schedule an appointment with an Admissions Advisor by calling (480) 994-9244.

Topics: Great Graduates, Blog, Massage, Massage Therapy, yoga, Yoga Teacher Training

About the Author Erik Teichmann

Erik Teichmann

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