April Gifts & Graces: If you Have a Pulse, You Have a Purpose!
Southwest Institute of Healing Arts 1538 E Southern Ave, Tempe, AZ“If you still have a pulse, you have a purpose!” Come discover what it currently is! Yes! We all have definite desires that push us toward our destined path! However, we can get pulled off path or slightly lost due to the insanities of our mind, the many messages bombarding us, and the maze of mental gymnastics we put ourselves through. Shhhh, get still! PRAY: Pause! Reflect! Ask! Yoke! Many years ago, KC Miller, founder of Southwest Institute of Healing Arts, developed an instrument entitled “Discover Your Gifts!” Hundreds of people have used it to create clarity around their spiritual and earthly gifts. This “clarity tool” has been recently redesigned to help refine the message available to those who are willing to do some self-inquiry. Join KC, along with a tribe of gifted Intuitive Guides, Life Coaches, Toe Readers and Reiki Practitioners, who will be creating ceremony and celebration for … Read More