October Gifts and Graces: Tapping Into Your Gifts with Linda Bennett
Join us as we delve into our shadows and uncover our Golden Shadows and Gifts. Additionally, we have a variety of presentations on Hypnosis and its numerous benefits for improving our overall well-being. Professionals who have graduated from SWIHA’s Hypnosis program will be sharing their expertise and experience with you. Try one of the following workshops (group sessions after the talk) 1. Overcoming obstacles & road books through hypnosis 2. Myths, misconceptions, and benefits of hypnosis. 3. Habit change, quitting smoking & weight loss Try one of the following workshops (group sessions after the talk) 4. Past Life Regression Panel 5. Anxiety, stress, and pain relief through hypnosis 6. Discovering your gifts with James Patrick October G G - Workshop Descriptions **This is a complimentary event** RSVP to Attend in Person at rsvp@swiha.edu Join us on Facebook Live the day of the event