Give Yourself Permission: Tips from Great Graduate Suzie Emiliozzi

Posted by Suzie Emiliozzi on 2/25/16 5:50 AM

It may sound strange, but often people seek or wait for permission before moving forward in their lives. I would be willing to bet that, in one area of life, or another, you’ve been stalled around permission too. As you already know, inner conflicts may occur around all sorts of ideas, experiences, and goals. We could explore how the conflicts arose and why they’re present, but why? That takes forever! It’s so much quicker and easier to just resolve the conflict.

Most internal conflicts are resolved easily. One approach is to give yourself permission to either experience something (i.e. healing) or to otherwise move forward in some way (i.e. change). Throughout my career, I’ve noticed that conflicts tend to cluster around certain issues:


  • Wellness/Health
  • Money
  • Success
  • Being present to and focused on the moment of now (rather than the past or future)
  • Relationships
  • Personal responsibility – obligations – sacrifices – other
  • Power/Being powerful/empowered
  • Sex/sexual expression
  • Letting go
  • Being oneself/Self expression

At times, there may be a “need” for permission from oneself. Other times, the “needed” permission is from someone else, like a parent, child, loved one, or from the surrounding community (including your faith community), the world at large, or even from a spiritual source (i.e. God, Source, Universe).


Have you been waiting for an apology from someone before letting go of an old hurt?
Have you been waiting for acknowledgement or gratitude from someone in your life?
Have you been waiting to see what other people are doing, saying, or feeling before committing to an opportunity?
Have you been waiting to be ready for something or someone?



If you answered yes, then could you choose to be open to your own healing, acknowledgement, and opportunities now?

Consider for a moment the areas in your life that you are waiting for permission. Maybe you are seeking permission before starting a new project or relationship, ending a non-productive behavior, or simply being more you.

Regardless of where and how you became stuck, could you simply give yourself permission to move forward anyway? Could you simply choose to be present to more good in your life? Could you simply choose to enjoy your life now, just as it is?

Take a moment to revisit the listed areas where inner conflict often exists. What opportunities exist for you there? Could you give yourself permission to let go of the habits, beliefs, ideas, and patterns that have held you back from the joy, happiness, peace, and celebration that you truly deserve?

Once you’ve given yourself permission to move forward, it will be easier to focus on the action steps that build momentum, personal growth, and success.

Suzie Emiliozzi BloggerAbout the Author, Suzie Emiliozzi

Life is intended to be enjoyed. Experience your greatest potential and live the life you love.
Suzie Emiliozzi is a Registered Nurse, Intuitive Healer, Personal Coach, and Best Selling Author. Suzie first became aware of the mind-body connection and energy healing techniques during a personal health struggle. Despite excellent medical care, she suffered daily pain and debilitation until implementing just a few of the techniques that she uses today. With vast improvements in her own health, wellbeing, and life, Suzie was called to support others in a similar fashion. Suzie believes that life is intended to be enjoyed and that each person has the potential for great happiness, love, fulfillment, and vitality. She loves helping people to find their inner source of healing and change so she maintains a full time practice, where she assists both individuals and groups to improve their quality of life through better health, wellbeing, and personal growth. To learn more about Suzie and her approaches, visit iamlivingjoy or contact her at 314-717-1779.

Topics: Southwest Institute of Healing Arts, Great Graduates, being present, permission, intuitive healer, Blog, SWIHA

About the Author Suzie Emiliozzi

Whether your goal involves better physical well being, emotional balance, peace-of-mind, lifestyle change, or spiritual healing or development, you are sure to find a right-fit with Living Joy, LLC. Suzie Emiliozzi is fully committed to helping you to create what is desired by releasing barriers, refreshing the mind, rejuvenating the body, and redirecting energy into what matters most.

Suzie Emiliozzi

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