From Small Business Owner to Spa Director: Great Graduate Jorinda Nardone

Posted by Brian McKinney on 3/6/15 12:04 AM

GG Jorinda 1While Jorinda Nardone currently holds the title of Spa Director of the 40,000 square foot Green Valley Ranch Spa in Las Vegas, the road to this level of success was paved with hard work, long hours and dedication. A 2001 graduate of Southwest Institute of Healing Arts’ (SWIHA) Massage Program, Jorinda came to SWIHA for what she thought was a career change, however, during her program she began to notice a transformation within herself, and heal old wounds in the process. Taking a look at herself and her healing process led Jorinda on a completely different path than the one she originally intended to take.

Once graduated, and armed with an array of knowledge and her massage license, Jorinda went to work launching her business. She opened her first business, Lemongrass Massage Therapy, and quickly started to see clients. Jorinda jumped at the chance to open her own business, because not only was it the perfect way to use her education in a loving and profitable way, it was also a great opportunity for her own personal growth.

“I love working with my clients and being part of their lives!” ~Jorinda exclaims.

In order to best serve her clients and make herself more marketable as a massage therapist, Jorinda created her own specific massage she calls the Wellness Massage. “My Wellness Massage is an amalgamation of my favorite modalities. I use what speaks to me most at the time I am assisting my guests,” explains Jorinda. “Blending Eastern and Western modalities, I tie it all together with energy work . . . it just seemed like such a natural fit for me.”

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 Jorinda’s Wellness Massage is a beneficial marketing tool. It is a unique massage that encompasses all she learned and has perfected over the years: energy work, traditional Swedish massage, aromatherapy, and polarity. If she performs this massage on clients (which she doesn’t have much of an opportunity to do as the Director of an award-winning, nationally recognized spa), she will tailor the specific modalities to the needs of the client or guest, especially those who have experienced trauma or who are undergoing treatments for cancer.

“Integrating so many avenues of well-being into one format lets one address the client’s body, mind and spirit when they are in the most need,” Jorinda stated in recent online article written about her, regarding her Wellness Massage.

While running Lemongrass Massage Therapy, Jorinda gained an incredible amount of experience and knowledge, which really helped to set her up for future success. Owning her own business did come with challenges and was sometimes a difficult endeavor, however, she says it was an incredibly worthwhile experience, especially when it came to learning accounting, budgeting, marketing and public relations.

After Jorinda closed Lemongrass Massage, she moved on to become the treatment supervisor and spa sales manager at Agave, the Arizona Spa at the Westin Kierland in Scottsdale, Arizona, and then the General Manager at the Red Door Spa in Phoenix, before bringing her career to Las Vegas. At Green Valley Ranch Spa, Jorinda’s daily duties include anything and everything relating to the spa.

“When you are the Director, you have to have the breadth to work the front desk in a pinch, manage the budget, work on marketing, PR and sales, handle guest challenges, manage a staff of 70, and ensure maintenance and cleanliness of the facility,” she explains.

“What I don’t get to do much of is massage as a daily duty, though I still use my healing abilities to assist my staff,” reports Jorinda.

As the Director of an incredibly busy renowned spa, Jorinda has to constantly be on her toes. She has to stay on top of her game and ahead of the curve at all times. “You need to constantly be on top of your business, knowing all aspects, and be willing to delegate to a trustworthy team you can count on,” she says.

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What makes Jorinda successful in her career is not only her years and years of experience, it’s that she’s passionate about what she does. “If your heart is truly passionate about people and healing, this is your path,” she says. “If you need to heal old wounds and grow as a person, this is a good path. Massage makes you lower your barriers and learn to trust. Most of all, I am an individual, and I tailored my experience to what spoke to me so I could enhance my skills and become a success.”

If you are interested in becoming a massage therapist, SWIHA’s next massage program start is March 23rd, 2015. Contact SWIHA at 480-994-9244 and ask to speak with an Admissions Advisor, or email info@swiha.edu. For more details about how SWIHA can help you become a Master Massage Practitioner, please visit www.BeAMassageTherapist.com

Topics: Southwest Institute of Healing Arts, Great Graduates, Blog, Massage, Massage Therapy, SWIHA

About the Author Brian McKinney

Brian McKinney

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