By KC Miller
Imagine a gate that connects the mysteries of the heavens to what we could manifest here on earth. Just the thought of such a portal sounds kind of Star Wars-like, doesn’t it? And yet, there is a potent ear point that has been written about as far back as 500 BC in a timeless book known as The Yellow Emperor's Classic of Internal Medicine, a compilation of acupuncture procedures that were practiced since ancient times.
This mysterious point is called ‘Shen Men’, which translates to ‘Spirit-Gate’. It is the point believed to connect heaven and earth, mind and body; it brings imbalance or disease to a restored balance and facilitates healing. It is one powerful point!
‘Shen Men’, also known as the ‘Heavenly Gate’, is located in the center upper third portion of the ear, situated at the apex of the triangular fossa. It is one of the most recognized auricular points and used in the treatment of a wide variety of conditions, including pain sedation, addiction abatement, and the reduction of physical and emotional inflammation. By stimulating this tiny pin-sized point, it is reported to bring heavenly energy into the body for healing. Many practitioners and teachers believe we can actually heighten our spirituality just by taking three to five slow, deep breathes while activating this ear point a few times a day!
By stimulating this tiny pin-sized point, it is reported to bring heavenly energy into the body for healing.
I am one of those teachers. For almost twenty years I have used the ‘Shen Men’ ear point in my massage therapy practice, my hypnotherapy practice and my spiritual practice. Though still formally unpublished, what I believe and have taught for years to students at Southwest Institute of Healing Arts (SWIHA) in our on-campus and online Auriculotherapy (Ear Point Therapy) classes is a theory I call ‘Straight-Line Healing.’ Using ‘Master Points’ in the ear, aromatherapy and facilitated dialogue, deep transformative changes are possible. I use the term Straight-Line Healing because when working with the potent points in the ear, especially Shen Men, we bypass the conscious mind and go straight to the unconscious levels where permanent healing takes place.
With all of modalities I have to choose from in my tool bag, I often say that if I could choose just one it would be Auriculotherapy!
KC Miller
After several trips to Japan to teach Toe Reading, I felt a deep calling to make the focus of my most recent teaching trips to teach Straight-Line Healing, my version of appliedAuriculotherapy. On the last trip Cheryl Speen, a passionate reflexology teacher (and Master Toe Reader) at SWIHA, who fully embraces ‘Shen Men’ as a transformative ear point, accompanied me to Japan, along with my sister and translator/friend Mihoko Knight.
As destiny would have it, one of our Toe Reader Teachers, Saori Mayumi, introduced us to an amazing teacher named Keiichi Iijima, who everyone referred to as “Shinmon Master.” Wow, talk about a passionate and committed teacher!
Keiichi Iijima has been involved in self-taught healing practices for the past 40 years as his lifework. One day he discovered the infamous ear acupressure point known as ‘Shen Men.’ He describes his experience as being thunderstruck! He witnessed first-hand how this simple ear point could instantly straighten out conditions of autonomic nerves, by transforming the physical, mental and spiritual aspects of human nature. For many years he has been committed to unlocking human potentials through ear point therapy.
Through his unique research over the past 10 years, he developed ‘Shimon Method.’ To distinguish the work and research Keiichi Iijima has contributed to this body of knowledge, he uses the spelling of ‘Shinmon’ to refer to the powerful ear point that creates such a shift in consciousness in those he works with.
Keiichi owns an educational institution and has trained more than 1200 professional therapists. He currently collaborates with professionals not only in the category of healing art, but also in such arenas as preventative medicine, hospitals, facilities for senior citizens, fire stations, schools, the beauty industry and education, to name a few.
Keiichi Iijima has published many books in Japan, including such titles as Pull Your Ears to Get Thinner, Healthier, and Smarter; Super Health Through Pulling Your Ears and Amazing Switch: Ear Acupressure Point Shinmon MethodTM
One of Keiichi Iijima’s claims to fame is his use of the power of the mind and the energy of the ‘Shinmon’ ear point to empower people to bend spoons. He has worked with huge groups in big auditoriums, as well as large assemblies of people in the streets. The impact he has made on people’s self-esteem and confidence level is astonishing!

His passion is to disseminate ‘Shinmon’ to the world. He made his US debut at the 2009 Burning Man Festival. ‘Shinmon Master’ Keiichi Iijima is coming to Arizona! He will be giving a guest lecture and demonstration at SWIHA Wednesday, November 19, 2014 from 6:30 pm to 9:30 pm.
At this event, guests will discover the technique that transforms and neutralizes our body instantly, a mental care method designed to help relieve stress, and an energy activation method important to healing. Come experience ‘Shimon Style Meditation’ which helps us connect with the Divine. In the workshop guests will also have the opportunity to experience the ability to travel between different dimensions, which may be one of the secrets of enlightenment, according to ‘Shinmon’ Master Keiichi Iijima.
This is a complimentary event held at SWIHA at 1100 E. Apache Blvd. Tempe, Arizona. Please plan to come early to get a good seat.
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