Ravynn Rohner: Willing to Sit in the Seat of the Teacher

Posted by Stevieanne Petitt on 12/30/15 3:47 AM

Ravynn Rohner is a graduate who has literally transformed her life and humbly taken space in the seat of the teacher. In 2011, Ravynn started doing yoga regularly in her hometown of Casa Grande, Arizona and her teacher was a Spirit of Yoga graduate. Having taken Cranial Unwinding at SWIHA in 2007, she was familiar with the school, and began thinking about taking the 800-hour Yoga Teacher Training Program.

“At the time, I was in my fourth debilitating year of Fibromyalgia (full body pain and fatigue), only taking care of my responsibilities for my son and doing yoga; the rest of the time I was in bed, with my Nana being a huge support system at the time. After meeting with Admissions, I was led to enroll in the Mind-Body Wellness Practitioner Program with concentrations in Life Coaching, Polarity, and Yoga. In the back of my mind, I wondered if I’d be able to improve my Fibro because doctors told me that I’d have the syndrome for life, be on medications more and more as time went on, and that my body had betrayed me. I went into ‘fighter’ mode, thinking #WatchThis. I didn’t want to believe, I couldn’t believe, what the doctors predicted. My son needed a mother that was healthy and present. I walked into SWIHA with both hope and doubt. It was the perfect program choice for me, as the Life Coaching allowed me to clean out the mental garbage that kept the pain in my body. Polarity was the modality and vehicle that allowed me to release the stuck energy or physical pain, and Yoga was the icing on the cake that gave me strength to get off all my medications. I was #FibroFree, four months into my program!”

Ravynn Rohrer 'Great Graduate' SWIHARavynn credits SWIHA with helping to give her the knowledge and tools that helped her heal. “I learned to release my congested pasts and the patterns which were keeping me from my Divine purpose and a ‘Peace-Full’ life. I always felt 100% supported and safe as I did my heling work in the classrooms of SWIHA. I have struggled with being surrounded by people who are able to see the real me, without judgement. In order to heal, this was must for me! In receiving this from the wonderful teachers at SWIHA, I am now able to ‘hold space’ for others as I teach my truths. This is one of the most beautiful cycles to be able to reflect upon. I learned that introspective work is hard work, and yet the most rewarding!”


Ravynn’s passion for her program evolved as her healing and transformation took place. “One of my conscious quotes is ‘Passion rarely commits without pain.’ The Mind-Body Practitioner program was all about my healing. Trauma and tragedy can bring beauty into your life; it’s just a long journey that requires great strength to get there! Teaching yoga is where my strongest passion lies right now. I love everything yoga: the asanas, the practice, the breath work, teaching it, challenging myself in arm balances and flexibility. I have learned about how to conduct myself in life based on how I show up on the mat. I fully embrace yoga philosophy, including the Yamas or Niyamas. I truly love the beauty of taking other great teachers’ classes and hearing their truths, so that I may make it my own, pass it on, and perhaps, change a life.

Ravynn Rohrer 'Great Graduate' SWIHAMy Soul’s purpose on this planet is to achieve enough knowledge and wisdom so that my teaching grows like roots, never ending, changing lives, calming minds, and opening doors of healing for people to walk through. I just show up and meet people where they are at.

For me, Transformational Yoga Coaching (TYC) is my other greatest passion under the yoga umbrella. TYC is a beautiful modality that uses the asanas to help people get into their bodies to seek the answers they need to heal wounds and release stagnant energy that has not been serving them, usually for quite some time. I now have the honor of being one of the teacher assistant for TYC. Anytime I can watch a student transform, either in a yoga class or through the power process of yoga coaching, I am at my fullest, completely linked into my Divine purpose.”

Ravynn currently serves in her purpose as an independent contractor. “I work four ‘jobs’ at the moment and it’s interesting how there’s an ebb and flow to where you work. Regularly, I am employed at 24/7 Fitness and for the Parks and Recreation, both in in Casa Grande. I am also contracted by Practicum Coach for the SWIHA Yoga Teacher Training program and I serve as an assistant instructor for the 40-hour Transformational Life Coaching class. At 24/7Fitness, I offer a slower-paced yoga class on Monday mornings; Tuesday/Thursday classes are more advanced, faster-paced, with added strength building movements within the asanas. Wednesdays, at Parks and Rec, I teach Detox Yoga, which is based on my certification in the 12 Sets for the 12 Steps -- this is a type of yoga that focuses on efficiently moving toxins out of the tissues, bones, joints, and organs, so that the body may eliminate them with ease. All classes may be attended for $10 drop in."

Ravynn’s clients are grateful to work with her and alongside her while transforming their own lives. Clients can expect to receive a professionally-intimate experience where their goals are crystal clear and met. They will feel supported, safe, and heard. “Whether it’s for Yoga Coaching or a yoga class, the morsels of wisdom I’ve picked up along the way are intuitively offered from Divine guidance. When I say, ‘I will meet you where you are at’, that means I move with you: physically, mentally, spiritually, and emotionally. I am a very compassionate and empathetic person with life experience that allows me to hold precious space with anyone and I cannot be frightened - I do not judge; and I will not abandon the work that we can do together. I do not call myself a healer; I am a facilitator and humble servant.” Ravynn is available via Skype, FaceTime, or in-person by appointment for a coaching session or a beginners/deepening one-on-one yoga practice.

Ravynn has truly sculpted herself into a very thorough teacher, having earned a massage certification, back in 2006, has also greatly assisted her in using the physical body markers for cuing and getting people out of their heads and into their body. “People come to me because of my light and apparent passion and dedication to this work. I’ve noticed I am very focused on individual and personal development for members and clients. I’ve heard many times how personable and present I am, for everyone.” The gym staff where Ravynn works reports, “Everyone always looks so happy when they’re coming from her class!”

Ravynn’s appreciation for SWIHA extends far beyond her own healing. She shares, “SWIHA just sets you up for success, once you find your niche. The teachers at this school are really unbelievable in their gifts and wisdom. It’s our choice as students there to utilize it. So I created my great, big tool box of tools to help bring healing into people’s lives by listening and auditing classes from the Greats [teachers]. This is how you build your own repertoire of knowledge, with your own spin on it. SWIHA knowledge allows you to be completely confident and in the know. I have left sessions/classes feeling so FULL, so happy, that I am truly where I am supposed to be. It feels amazing.”

As many will go on to pursue their entrepreneurial dreams, Ravynn offers insight in the form of authentic confidence, unique to each student’s success and strengths.

Ravynn Rohrer 'Great Graduate' SWIHA“My message is to not compare yourself to any other graduate. Building a business is a very challenging thing to do. It takes time, patience, and outside income. Do not be discouraged if you do not have one or all of these things. When you graduate, you have a good idea of what field or modality you excel in. Follow your joy and ask yourself consistently, ‘What brings me the most joy?’ For the challenges and obstacles, ask yourself, ‘What pro-active steps do I need to take in order to bring me what I want most?’ And, perhaps, be open to not having an agenda that is too tight for detours. What we think we want to do or are going to do, is often not it at all. Most importantly, watch ‘the flow’ and where you are placing your energy and efforts. If there’s block after block, change your approach. You will feel when it is right. If you push and push, that is your ego. Be gentle with Self, but fierce in your pursuit. Visit the stillness often, for that is where you will have the ability to hear your greatest answers and messages.”

Fortunately, it is likely that you can get this same advice from Ravynn in-person as she continues to walk the halls as both a teacher and a continuing education student.

“I am the type who will probably never stop going to some sort of school. Currently, I am at ASU in the English Department working on a BA w/ a concentration in Creative Writing. I see online yoga/fitness writing in my future. I want to be a Polarity teacher, which will require me to finish my APP (Associate Polarity Practitioner 200 Hour program) and then go through the Polarity teacher training. I to complete my 800 hour Yoga Teacher Certification. I have training in Cranial Unwinding and Polarity, yet never Reiki, so I am interested in it. I think that is enough for now: that should take a few years!”

In closing, Ravynn offers her overall experience and the impact SWIHA has had on her entire life transformation: “First and foremost, I healed myself from the Fibromyalgia. My world looked very bleak and torturous for those years and I didn’t know how to raise my son the way he deserved. I was terrified my future was disability, a bed, tv, and prescription pills for 40+ more years. SWIHA changed my life. I arrived a beaten down and weary soldier and left a fulfilled, fierce Goddess Warrior. Now my future is so promising and most of all, I gained a whole community who supports me, encourages me and inspires me. I used to want to leave Arizona. I don’t want to anymore. The beautiful souls I have met through this amazing school are priceless and irreplaceable.”

In closing, Ravynn shares on of her favorite quotes by Henry Adams, “A teacher affects eternity; she can never tell where her influence stops.” This is Ravynn prayer and promise, to sit in the seat of the teacher whenever called to do so!

Ravynn’s incredible insight and healing classes can be found by connecting with her in a variety of ways including:

@ravynnrohner@ravynnrohner | @ravynnrohner@ravynnrohner | @ravynnrohner@ravynnrohner

StevieAnn Petit BloggerAbout the Author, StevieAnne Petitt

Guest Blogger

A current SWIHA student, StevieAnne is a published author and public speaker who uses comedic workshops to “Lighten up Enlightenment” – helping others find humor in their human experience and to allow us to relate with one another through laughter. Her love of humor and authentic dialogue is what earned her the position as Branding Strategist at Social Ally. There, she creates social media content that entertains, educates and engages audiences while displaying an authentic brand voice and presence for each of her clients. More of her professional blogs can be found at SocialAlly Blog

Topics: Southwest Institute of Healing Arts, Great Graduates, Mind-Body Wellness Practitione, Blog, SWIHA, yoga

About the Author Stevieanne Petitt

A current SWIHA student, StevieAnne is a published author and public speaker who uses comedic workshops to “Lighten up Enlightenment” – helping others find humor in their human experience and to allow us to relate with one another through laughter. Her love of humor and authentic dialogue is what earned her the position as Branding Strategist at Social Ally. There, she creates social media content that entertains, educates and engages audiences while displaying an authentic brand voice and presence for each of her clients. More of her professional blogs can be found at SocialAlly Blog

Stevieanne Petitt

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