Signs Everywhere There Are Signs

Posted by Dajon Ferrell on 8/25/14 4:59 AM

Do you believe that everything happens for a purpose?

Dajon Ferrell - Signs Everywhere There Are SignsMy name is Dajon and I’m a new member of the Southwest Institute of Healing Arts (SWIHA) community, serving as the Chief Communications Specialist and Community Liaison. When I say new, I mean that I literally hopped on a plane from Minnesota and joined the family this last week. This amazing opportunity didn’t come without many, many signs: Let me share my journey with you.For the past 12 years, I’ve served in the military. In February of this year, I decided leave military service and pursue a different path of service where I could help empower others. I had become accustomed to having everything chosen for me, from where to be, what uniform to wear, to how my career path was laid out. I enjoyed my military experience, however, I had lost my passion and felt my soul was searching for a new experience. Looking for where I fit in, I started working multiple part-time jobs; this just created more noise in my life and left me feeling even more confused. What I realize now is that I was looking for a sign.

Do you notice the signs presented to you on a daily basis?

Finally, I took a deep breath; I took a big step; I left the comfort zone of a steady pay check to step out into the big world after my dreams. The question in my heart was: “What am I missing?”

Course in Miracles, Look for Signs

Well, it turns out I wasn’t missing anything. I had forgotten to access my wisdom within. In my rush to find the pot of gold, my daily meditations lessened, my sleeping patterns became erratic and I looked to others for affirmations, instead of going within. I woke up one day feeling depressed; it was that moment I realized I had enough. I made the choice to be a human Being instead of human Doing. And I asked, out loud, for a sign!

Spirit showed me signs! Divine guidance came and my life began to change. I started seeing Angel numbers, as found in Doreen Virtue’s ‘Angel Numbers’ 101, on signs, on license plates and on my receipts. The numbers 777, 333, 888 and 447 or 774 were sprinkled throughout my day. As I expressed gratitude, I began to understand I wasn’t missing anything. One of my biggest signs was I was feeling different. From a deep place of knowing every part of me knew the truth: I AM right where I’m meant to be in all moments.

Fear Is Not a Thing, Look for Signs

This is what happened next...

Friends began sending me job announcements and tried to help me find a J.O.B. My bank account turned red.

I reaffirm: I AM abundant.

Anytime the fear crept in, I immediately release it with love. I gave thanks for my bills because they represented an exchange of energy. I continued doing the work needed to manifest a new reality: I organized a healing retreat for women veterans; I taught meditation classes; I lived in the moment and I continued to ask for signs that I was heading in the right direction.

Finally, a big sign came!

I received a message from SWIHA with an opportunity for me to join their community, serving to help communicate their missions more clearly in the world. Tears of appreciation were a sign that all was well was well with my soul. All of the logistics began to take care of themselves with grace and ease. No words of limitations were spoken into existence. Fear was not a part of the process.

Of course questions followed...

Where would I stay? Who would help with my son? How would I afford the plane ticket to Arizona?

Showing signs of my faith in the process, my answers were affirmations: “I AM open! Show me the way!”

While some people called me crazy, as I followed the signs, I continued to be shown I had a Divine appointment with my destiny.

With Spirit guiding me, it all came together with grace and ease. The flight that brought me to Arizona was DL999.
Doreen Virtue Angel Numbers 999 it's a sign

As I sat down to eat a snack before the flight, and I sparked up some small talk with a young man waiting to board the same flight, we began discussing, of all things, toe reading! Can you believe he had a reading from KC Miller, founder of SWIHA, the very place I was headed for? Had I really manifested this whole new world where I could talk freely about toe readings, miracles, signs?

As I took my seat, I noticed I was sitting next to a Marine. He didn’t announce this to me, the tattoos on his two arms told me his story. As we prepare to take off, he laid down the book he was reading and started doing some deep breathing. What do you think he was reading? The Book of Secrets: Unlocking the Hidden Dimensions of Your Life by Deepak Chopra.

Deepak Chopra Marine it's a signWow, what an amazing sign!

This man symbolized the blending of my military life and my new path. Utilizing everything from my past experiences, there is no doubt in any part of my being everything truly does happen for a purpose.

If you’re looking for a sign, the fact that you’re reading this might just be your sign. You are right where you’re meant to be, serving your purpose and living in love!

What signs have you seen lately?

Topics: Life Coaching, Motivational Monday, Blog, Deepak Chopra, Toe Reading, Dajon Ferrell, SWIHA, Dajon Smiles, Transformational Life Story, Doreen Virtue, KC Miller, Course In Miracles

About the Author Dajon Ferrell

Dajon Ferrell

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