The Vegan Way: Easy Recipe Included

Posted by Melanie Albert on 9/10/14 6:25 AM

Plus an easy recipe: Experience Nutrition™ Avocado Salsa Recipe

Let’s take a Look at the 'Vegan Way' of Whole Foods Eating

Several different dietary theories may be considered as whole foods, including vegan, vegetarian, raw and Paleo. While each of these dietary theories is different, they are all based on eating real non-processed whole foods, which are close to their natural state. Today we will take a look at the 'Vegan Way' of Eating.

What does vegan look like?

A vegan diet consists of eating only plant-derived foods. Vegans do not consume or use any animals (land or sea) or animal products, dairy, milk, eggs, or honey. Vegans eat fresh produce, grains, legumes, nuts and seeds.

2.5% of the US is vegan

A 2008 national survey conducted by The Vegetarian Resource Group found that 2.5% of the US say they never eat meat, fish, seafood, poultry, dairy or eggs which means they are vegan. And, the vegan trend is growing.


Vegan is Hot

Today in our US culture, 'going vegan' is fashionable among celebrities (such as Alicia Silverstone, Bill Clinton, Carrie Underwood, Mike Tyson, Ellen DeGeneres, and Usher) thus, some people choose to 'go vegan' to emulate their favorite stars.

Vegans are political

Many who choose to go on a vegan diet do it for political reasons and incorporate the vegan philosophy into all areas of their life. Vegans do not want to harm animals in anyway, so in addition to not eating animals they do not wear any clothes or use fabrics that come from animals, such as leather, wool, silk or down. The view for many vegans is that animals are not meant to be exploited by man, and that the cruel, abusive commercial animal production methods for food are not acceptable.

Vegans can eat enough protein

There’s a concern that vegans many not eat enough protein. However, vegans can get sufficient protein from non-animal foods such as lentils, tempeh, tofu, beans, nuts, seeds, and even vegetables and whole grains. In terms of healthy fats, they can enjoy nuts and seeds, and avocados. From a nutritional standpoint, it is recommended that vegans supplement with B12 and amino acids since they do not get these from the foods they eat.

Vegans have fewer food allergies

Many times vegans are less likely to have common food allergies or intolerances, since they eliminate many of the common such as shellfish, dairy and eggs from their diet.

Junk food vegans

Unfortunately some people have become 'junk food vegans' eating manufactured, processed foods which are vegan (rather than eating whole foods). There are so many products, including faux meat products (hot dogs, sausage, chicken-like patties) veggie burgers, nondairy frozen desserts, chips, cookies that are marketed as vegan which have little or no nutritional value.

Whole Food S.O.U.L. Food Wednesday Action: Eat Vegan For 2 Days

With our Whole Food S.O.U.L. Food Blog we invite you to take action with your whole foods eating behavior. Our Challenge for you this week, is to eat vegan at least 2 days and notice how you feel. To get started, the Experience Nutrition™ Avocado Salsa recipe is a simple, delicious meal that you can enjoy a few times a week. Come on over to Facebook and share your 2-day vegan experience and post one of your meals.

Our Whole Food / S.O.U.L Food Wednesday Recipe for the Week

Experience Nutrition™ Avocado Salsa Recipe

Wow! This simple-to-make avocado salsa (or guacamole) is the best. Add it to your tailgating parties, make it for a snack or lunch, or serve it at a BBQ. It’s so delicious that you will want to eat it every week. Full of good-for-you fats, fresh veggies and a squeeze of lemon, enjoy your avocado salsa with cucumbers, carrots or celery.

We invite you to intuitively create your avocado salsa. Choose your ingredients in each of the categories: aromatics, veggies, citrus, and herbs. Use as much of the ingredients that you want to. Taste your avocado salsa while making it and add more of the ingredients you like the most.


  • Avocado - 2 ripe avocados (soft and greenish black)
  • Aromatics (Choose your favorites): Fresh garlic, minced | Green scallions, Red or white onions
  • Veggies (Try a few): Cherry tomatoes or Heirloom tomatoes | Small cucumbers | Purple, yellow or orange carrots
  • Citrus (Pick one): Fresh lemon or lime
  • Herbs (Try one or both): Fresh cilantro or parsley or your favorite herb

Simple Steps

  1. Chop all vegetables
  2. Cut avocado in half
  3. Squeeze avocado into bowl
  4. Add all ingredients
  5. Have fun missing with your hands
  6. Enjoy!
Whole Foods Cooking - Experience Nutrition™ Avocado Salsa RecipeExperience Nutrition™ Avocado Salsa Recipe prepared by students in Whole Foods Cooking at Southwest Institute of Healing Arts



Share your carrot creations on Facebook:

www.facebook.com/SWIHA and www.facebook.com/9Ways90Days

About the Author Melanie Albert

Melanie Albert, nutrition and food expert, author and speaker, has been active in the integrative medicine and nutrition fields for over a decade. She is the founder & CEO of Experience Nutrition Group, LLC, whose mission is to improve the lives health and nutrition of the sports community, kids and corporations through food and lifestyle education.

Melanie is an instructor in Whole Foods Cooking, Holistic Nutrition (Conscious Eating) and Entrepreneurship at the Southwest Institute of Healing Arts (SWIHA) in Tempe, AZ. She also teaches Intuitive Eating at Spirit of Yoga in Tempe, AZ. Melanie walks her talk and you can always find her at farmers' markets, in the kitchen experimenting, and practicing yoga.

You can get more recipes, nutrition and food tips from Melanie.
Visit her blog: www.9Ways90Days.wordpress.com
Visit her Facebook: www.facebook.com/9Ways90Days


Topics: Melanie Albert, Whole Foods Wednesday, Blog, Recipe of the Week, Whole Foods, Urban Farming, Nutrition

About the Author Melanie Albert

Melanie A. Albert, intuitive cooking expert, author, and speaker, has been active in wellness, integrative medicine, and nutrition for over 15 years and has worked with former NFL players, Super Bowl events, holistic practitioners, kids, and seniors. She is the founder of Experience Nutrition Group, LLC in Phoenix, and author of “A New View of Healthy Eating: Simple Intuitive Cooking with Real Whole Foods" and companion 55-card deck. Melanie is a 2007 graduate of the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, 2001 Integrative Medicine Fellow and 2003 Intuition Fellow of the Kaiser Institute, former marketing consultant for Weil Lifestyle, LLC / Andrew Weil, MD, Holistic Nutrition Instructor of Whole Foods Cooking and Conscious Eating at Southwest Institute of Healing Arts in Tempe, Arizona, and 200-hour Registered Yoga Teacher. She received culinary training with the Rouxbe Cooking School Plant-Based Professional Certification. Her company, Experience Nutrition was an Official Health & Wellness Partner of the NFL Alumni Association in 2011. Melanie lives in Phoenix, Arizona. You can always find her shopping at farmers’ markets, experimenting in the kitchen, and practicing yoga.

Melanie Albert

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