Posted on May 6, 2016 by SWIHA -
- Posted by SWIHA - Tags: Body, Cactus Flower, Dr. Edward Bach, Floral Essences, flower essences, Gong, Great Graduate, Mind, Saguaro, Saguaro Flower, Sound Healing, Southwest Institute of Healing Arts, Spirit, Therapeutic Effects, Vibrational Energy, yoga
With the saguaro cacti in bloom, I am reminded of the very first floral essence I created. It was a memorable experience that produced a potent brew! I’d love to share my story with you: First of all, I am a Cactus Whisperer. I have had a connection with plants my entire life. It’s a gift that was given to me by my mother. Since I love plants so much, I took the Flower Essence Course at the Southwest Institute of Healing Arts in July of 2014. I loved the class and bemoaned the fact that I would have to wait almost a year to create a flower essence from my favorite of all cacti, the saguaro, since their blooming season is in the April-May time frame. Before I continue with my story, you might be wondering what a flower essence is. A lot of people mistakenly believe that flower … Read More
Kathy Koziol had just received her license as a Real Estate agent prior to enrolling at SWIHA. She did the job for just a single day, and immediately knew that she wanted her life to head in another direction. She was ready to fulfill her Dharma, her life’s purpose that she was Divinely designed for. Kathy had held many careers throughout her life: Elementary School Teacher, Army Officer, Hearing Instrument Specialist, Luxury Automobile Sales Consultant, Master Gardener and Stay at Home Mom (which she referred to as “Domestic Goddess). “I was very satisfied with my life and always have been. I cherish every moment of the life given to me,” shared Kathy. “Every experience I had, positive or negative, helped me to lay the foundation of where I am today.” However, she wasn’t satisfied with the path she was heading down from a career perspective. Enter SWIHA. Kathy came to … Read More
Posted on June 29, 2015 by SWIHA -
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Being a holistic entrepreneur means there is no separation between your love, life, work and spirituality. It’s a way of life that lends to serving in whatever capacity you’re living in that very moment. It’s diving into that path that makes your heart sing; your Divine calling. The realization that you want more than to be a human doing, but to live in your truth as a human Being. Holistic Living is Trending The holistic way of living seems to be hitting mainstream more than ever. Have you noticed how many of the big brand names have started incorporating motivational saying and quotes into their branding? More people are seeing that the typical 9-5 and living for the weekend is no longer status quo. We’re stepping into living lives that are more aware and more present than ever before. It as if we’re replacing T.G.I.F. with T.G.I.Today! I see more … Read More
We all know how important it is to love ourselves just the way we are. We preach it to our children, family and friends. If a friend comes to us saying they aren’t good enough in some area, we’re the first to try and help them work through that belief. Do we show up for ourselves in the same way though? Confession Time As a teacher, I often speak with people who attend my classes about the importance of living in the moment and loving ourselves. I have a beautiful soul family all across the globe and an amazing son, yet I found myself feeling lonely and dejected. Transitioning out of the military left me feeling lost, although this transition was something I had been praying for since last year. I even have a print hanging in my home with the following quote. “ Do not feel lonely. The entire … Read More
Being a holistic entrepreneur means there is no separation between your love, life, work and spirituality. It’s a way of life that lends to serving in whatever capacity you’re living in that very moment. It’s diving into that path that makes your heart sing; your Divine calling. The realization that you want more than to be a human doing, but to live in your truth as a human Being. Holistic Living is Trending The holistic way of living seems to be hitting mainstream more than ever. Have you noticed how many of the big brand names have started incorporating motivational saying and quotes into their branding? More people are seeing that the typical 9-5 and living for the weekend is no longer status quo. We’re stepping into living lives that are more aware and more present than ever before. It as if we’re replacing T.G.I.F. with T.G.I.Today! I see more … Read More
Posted on September 22, 2014 by SWIHA -
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Some people call it a ‘gut feeling’ and some call it a little voice. No matter what you refer to it as, we all have the inner knowing our intuition guides us daily. Do you tap into and actually listen though? The Transformational Life Coaching program at Southwest Institute of Healing Arts starts students with the foundation of 12 Guiding Principles. The first principle is: Deep within us is a knowing You know the feeling? The one where something just doesn’t feel right? The real gift comes in listening and choosing to act on the answers found within. Sometimes our head can outweigh the feeling or the idea of what we want can lead us to ignoring it. Or maybe you just don’t know whether to trust it or not. This is all just the ego or mind interfering with what is true. Tapping into truth can get easier with … Read More
Posted on September 9, 2014 by SWIHA -
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Where were you on 9/11? Three simple numbers pack so many memories. When you hear 9/11, what memories come to mind for you? Regardless of your political beliefs, religion, or ethnicity, we all have memories from that day. I was a freshman at Concordia University in Seward, Nebraska. I was going to school to become a Lutheran teacher and heard the report on the radio while getting ready for class. I remember not totally understanding what really happened. I walked into my first class and the room was silent with everyone’s eyes on the TV screen. Those initial images of ash-covered people running through the streets, silhouettes of bodies falling and then the second plane hitting are etched in my mind; in addition the confusion of the other planes and trying to make sense of it all. War in our backyard just didn’t make sense. At the time, it never … Read More
Yoga nidra, also known is ‘yogi sleep’, is an exciting concept blending yoga and meditation. My first exposure left me enlightened, more present than I’ve ever felt and wanting more! As I began my yoga nidra experience, I realized two things: Many people are confused about what it really is and it has the power to transform the life of anyone, regardless of experience with meditation and yoga. Let Me Explain What Led Me to Yoga Nidra After being diagnosed with PTSD from various military experiences and childhood traumas, I was blown away by how often medication was thrown at me. After some soul searching, I chose to replace medication with meditation, and to help others do the same. When I joined the team at Southwest Institute of Healing Arts (SWIHA), I was afforded the opportunity to take Yoga Nidra I with an amazing nationally recognized teacher named Kamini Desai, … Read More
Yoga Nidra, or “psychic sleep,” is an ancient practice that allows the body and mind to enter into a deeply relaxed state with the intention of bringing the conscious mind into harmony with the subconscious and unconscious. Essentially, while the body enters a state of sleep, the mind is guided into a place between sleep and wakefulness in order to accept positive instructions from a facilitator. These instructions are meant to promote mental healing through the power of unconscious visualization, pranic healing through the flow of light and energy in the body, and an increased sense of will power and resilience. Yoga NidraOn-campus & Online – Certificate of Excellence – 100 hours – Tuition Program Courses On Campus – What’s this? Program Courses Online – What’s this? This powerful technique of synchronization has been shown to be useful in eliminating the root causes of negative thinking and stress. Through the … Read More
Program Courses Career and Employment Outlook Mind-Body Wellness Practitioner Online Diploma Wellness is a state of balance and harmony that exists within and without us. As you become more and more attuned to the interconnectedness of body, mind, and spirit within your own being, the next natural progression is to become more aware of how all humans and all forms of life are entwined. With that recognition comes a deep inner calling to help create a shift in the paradigm of healing and to aid others in achieving true health and wellness. We know that you have heard this calling, and that is why you are here. Consisting of 600 hours of academics, theory, and practice, our Holistic Wellness Practitioner Diploma program helps people just like you fulfill their purpose of becoming a healer. We currently offer four choices with various specialty, concentration, and elective options for you to create … Read More