September Gifts & Graces with Gurudev Shri Amritji
Join Gurudev Shri Amritji as he shares his message from his Book “The Body-The Book of Secrets” “I discovered my body is the Book of Secrets. I experience it through the awakening of prana shakti. When I am connected to the body, the creation of the Divine, I am connected to the Divine that is manifesting through the prana shakti.” - Gurudev Shri Amritji To grasp the revolutionary messages and guidance you do not need to know anything about yoga. You only need an openness to absorb the teachings and surrender to heartfelt urgings from your true self, the divinity within. Allow yourself to receive and feel the vibrations and essence of this work in your core. During Gifts & Graces you will gain tools to end self-destructive habits and compulsive behavior patterns and learn how to find peace within yourself and others. Gurudev Shri Amritji is the original carrier … Read More