Have No Fear by Quentin McCain aka Coach Q

Posted by KC Miller on 4/6/16 6:12 PM

Quentin Coach Q SWIHA Life Coach Great GraduateGrowing up as an only child with a single mother, Quintin McCain has seen his fair share of struggle. He candidly shares how he chose to hang out with gangsters in his adolescent years. As a result, Quentin found himself involved in activities ranging from selling drugs to carrying weapons.

Although Quentin attended four different high schools, he succeeded in completing his high school diploma. At the age of eighteen, he fell asleep at the wheel of this vehicle and crashed into a light pole, leaving him with a broken femur, fractured ribs, a punctured lung, and a new lease on life. It was this unexpected incident that helped him to realize he was put on this earth for a reason—to change the world for the better.

The next event that forever impacted Quentin’s life was the birth of his beautiful daughter, Alyssa. Upon her birth, Quentin vowed to be a positive role model for his daughter and be someone she could be proud of. The journey to his destined path would not be easy; there were many challenges such as anxiety, the absence of a true purpose, and the lack of a mentor or role-model in his life.

Today, all of that has changed! As a graduate of the Transformational Life Coaching program, offered at Southwest Institute of Healing Arts, Quentin boldly states: “I am living my passion as an Inspirational Speaker and Possibility Coach”.

“I believe that “possibility” lies in any obstacle, whether it is personal or professional. With my straightforward, yet humorous and comfortable approach, I coach those in “the gap”. “The gap” is that space between where we currently are in life and where we want to be. The human mind is the most powerful thing on the planet. It can create or it can destroy. We can live the life of our dreams or the misery of our nightmares. All of life’s answers are within; however, there are times when we need a little assistance with bringing what we know deep within to light. That’s where I come in and shine! I help my clients see what is possible, and ANYTHING is possible!”

Quentin Coach Q SWIHA Life Coach Great GraduateQuentin, known as Coach Q to his clients and friends, likes to push himself. Recently he had an opportunity to position himself on the longest zip line in the world, stretching a distance of 1.57 miles across the rainforest in Puerto Rico! With a laugh and a wink, Quentin confesses, “I was scared and nervous all at the same time to get on the zip line! Every step up the winding staircase to get to the top made my heart beat that much faster.” He recalls the thought going through his mind, “What was I thinking! Did I just pay someone to throw me off the top of a perfectly stable roof?”

To build on the tension, Quentin reports being the last of six people to take the jump, so he had to watch person after person being launched into the sky, on a thin wire, almost 1,000 feet in the air! Once his turn came around, and praying the entire time, he realized he was about to do one of the scariest things he had ever done. On a visceral level, he distinctly remembers feeling and tasting fear! The gate opened and ZOOM he was on his way! What had first been perceived as one of the scariest moments of his life, soon converted into one of the most thrilling and amazing moments! Flying across the forest above the trees, water, rocks, animals, and all of nature’s beauty was absolutely BREATHTAKING, Quentin remarked.

All five of Quentin’s senses were on overload, as he took the ride of a lifetime. Talk about being in ‘the gap’! “I wasn’t where I wanted to be, yet I wanted to be brave enough to experience the thrill of adventure . . . and survive,” he shared. “What I realized is that I did more than survive zip-lining. I thrived on the challenge and the realization that anything is possible.”

As a motivational and inspirational speaker, Quentin has taken his real-life experience into his coaching. He is now teaching others to see fear as a choice, cleverly using the acronym of F.E.A.R:

False Evidence Appearing Real, or as Forget Everything And Run.

Quentin Coach Q SWIHA Life Coach Great GraduateCoach Q says, “Each day we are faced with fear, however, what we do when we are looking fear right in the eyes is what counts. From what I see, most of the time when we let fear in, we only think about one possibility and that is, that we will possibly fail. Think again!”

Enthusiastically, Coach Q continues: “When I decided to face my fear and get on the zip line in Puerto Rico, I was determined to look at the greener side of possibility, asking myself, ‘What if I have an experience of a lifetime?’ And that I did!’”

True to his motivational style, Quentin encourages everyone and offers this challenge: “Take a moment to think about something that is coming up in your near future that you are a little fearful of and ask yourself, ‘What is the greener side in this situation? What is possible?’ Focus……on…..that!”

Quentin McCain has become a role model to others. He actively faces his fear of public speaking by competing for awards through Toastmasters International, which is a nonprofit educational organization that teaches public speaking, communication, and leadership skills through clubs worldwide. Though he has had no formal sales or admissions background, he sold himself to the administration of Southwest Institute of Healing Arts and now serves as an Admissions Coach at SWIHA, with a focus on helping those who are ready to face their fear of going back to school or people who doubt their abilities to complete a full diploma program.

“Every conversation I have with prospective students is a coaching opportunity,” says Coach Q with a huge smile. “I never hard-sell anyone -- I just ask questions! I truly believe that everyone has the answers within – on the other side of fear. Once someone who is drawn to explore SWIHA gets clear about what they want to do with their life, they will know if SWIHA is right for them or not. If the time is right, I help them with the paperwork. If the time isn’t right, I bless them on their way.”

To stay in touch with Coach Q, follow him on social media: Facebook: Quentin McCain | Twitter: @Coach_Qmccain | Instagram: coach_qmccain

KC Miller SWIHAAbout the Author, KC Miller

KC Miller has been a go-getter for over 40 years and a true pioneer as a Holistic Entrepreneur. As a longtime massage therapist, reflexologist, Reiki Practitioner, Life Coach, Toe Reader and Ordained Minister she knows firsthand that you can create a business out of thin air with purpose and passion. Her original motto was: Let me be an instrument in the peace and healing of others. From her private practice KC grew the awarding-winning nationally accredited private college, Southwest Institute of Healing Arts. The mission statement has changed to reflect with even more passion KC’s commitment to holistic entrepreneurship: “We inspire individuals to discover the gifts and graces and support them in taking their skills into the world in a loving and profitable way.”

Topics: Southwest Institute of Healing Arts, Great Graduates, Life Coaching, Blog, SWIHA, Transformational Life Story

About the Author KC Miller

KC Miller is the founder of Southwest Institute of Healing Arts celebrating its 30th year anniversary of helping people to discover their Gifts and Graces. Over the years KC has received many designations and won numerous awards. While these are milestones in life worth celebrating, her greatest joy and accomplishment, in her mind, is that her 'Life Light' has been used to help illuminate others 'light' and life purpose! Her personal life motto has become the healing model for SWIHA ~ Let me be an instrument in the peace and healing of others as we seek to touch lives, heal bodies and free souls!

KC Miller

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