
Zoey Greco – a combination of a mermaid, a hippie, and a gypsy

Zoey Greco was wrapping up her studies towards a Bachelor’s degree in sunny, Southern California back in 2012 when she began to feel a bit lost about how she was going to move forward in her life. “I knew I wanted to be a healer, yet I had NO idea how to enter into such a metaphysical field. I pondered how could I tell my family who had poured thousands of dollars into my education that I wanted to be an intuitive channel and energy healer?” All of her friends were applying and receiving acceptance letters to graduate programs or Fulbright scholarships and Zoey was wondering how she could possibly make her dreams a reality. Other careers have more clear paths to success—formal internships, graduate programs, the rat race. Zoey knew that those paths were not for her. As Zoey tells the story, “I confided these concerns to a like-minded … Read More

Yoga Teacher Training

Some of our professional memberships and licensing agencies: Accredited by the Accrediting Council for Continuing Education & Training. Accredited by ACCET – A Partnership for Quality® ACCET is listed by the U.S. Department of Education as a nationally recognized accrediting agency. SWIHA is one of only a few nationally-accredited schools that offer independent diploma programs as well as exclusive yoga teacher training integrated with other healing arts programs. Focus solely on Yoga Teacher Training or combine your training with another career expanding area of healing arts. SWIHA is a Registered Yoga School (RYS) through the internationally recognized Yoga Alliance; as a graduate of our YTT program, you are eligible to register with Yoga Alliance and carry the official designation of Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT). SWIHA’s Unity Yoga Teacher Training provides academic structure and educational freedom while incorporating a living yoga approach. Earn your 200-hour teacher training certificate independently, or explore … Read More

Massage Training Programs at SWIHA

Southwest Institute of Healing Arts built its foundation as a training center for massage therapists nearly three decades ago. Today, we offer a wide variety of courses and degrees in the healing arts, and we continue to provide high quality, affordable massage therapy training for students entering the field as well as for professionals continuing their education. If hands-on healing is your call, we encourage you to take a look at our wonderfully diverse and immersive massage training programs. Whether you feel called to study massage on a full-time or a part-time basis, you’ll find a program at SWIHA that fits your needs and schedule. Choose one of the programs that fit your dream Therapeutic or Ayurvedic Bodywork Track: Professional Massage Practitioner – Therapeutic Practitioner Diploma – 750 hours – 11 months full-time Program Courses – What’s this? As a graduate of this massage training program, you will be prepared … Read More

The Arizona Massage School Making a Difference

Southwest Institute of Healing Arts built its foundation as a training center for massage therapists nearly three decades ago. Today, we offer a wide variety of courses and degrees in the healing arts, and we continue to provide high quality, affordable massage therapy training for students entering the field as well as for professionals continuing their education. Our mission remains the same: To provide innovative, contemporary real world experience and the highest standards in a healing arts education. We are committed to supporting the discovery of your essential gifts and supporting you as you carry them out into the world in a loving and profitable way. Start Dates AM October 14, 2024 PM February 24, 2025 Change Lives with the Power of Healing Touch While SWIHA teaches all of the core competencies required of classically educated massage therapists, we also offer you the flexibility to choose what works best for … Read More

Jessica Ireland: Creating “Fertile” Grounds Through Healing

Prior to registering at SWIHA, Jessica Ireland was, in her own words, “barely existing.” “I lacked a post-secondary education, and the 15 years I worked in the finance industry meant nothing while I was applying for employment during the recession. I was struggling to put food on the table and keep a roof over my head, while spiraling further and further into a state of depression.” After receiving a steady stream of rejection letters from potential minimum wage employers, Jessica realized that unless she obtained some form of post-secondary education in an area that was growing throughout North America, she would eventually end up homeless and hungry. Enter SWIHA. “As soon as I discovered SWIHA, I knew that my search for the school and the education I desired was over. I relocated my 3 dogs and myself from Calgary, Alberta Canada to Phoenix, Arizona and haven’t looked back since.” Jessica … Read More

Cameo Wilson: Transforming Herself and Urban Farming

Cameo Wilson is one incredible individual who has learned to nurture her own self growth and in doing so found her roots and a deep-seated passion for urban farming and sustainability. What brought her to SWIHA was a self-imposed desire for self-growth, followed by the committed decision to take care of herself. “By taking care of myself physically and emotionally through eating well and observing my own nutritional intake, I found a love for my own well-being and the ability to share my journey of health with others. I decided to further my education in what I love and pursue Nutritional Coaching as an avenue to serve. Food, eating healthy and wellness all resonated with me so I began searching online for schools that offered programs with these options in coaching. SWIHA was the first one to pop up and instantly I felt like that was the option I wanted … Read More

9 Ways to Create Mental Clarity

Is your head filled with a gazillion ideas of what you want to do? Do you have a hard time figuring out where to start? Are you passionate about so many things that you end up depleting your energy doing a bunch of little things? Are you seeking clarity? I found this definition of clarity that I believe will speak to you: Clarity is a noun meaning: Clearness or lucidity as to perception or understanding; freedom from indistinctness or ambiguity. Ah, freedom. You are seeking freedom from your vision not being clear. You are seeking freedom from having your efforts lack proper focus and intention. Others have been in this situation before and have moved forward. So can you. Here are some ways you can begin to create clarity around your business and your future. Healing Stones Tigers Eye is used to focus the mind. It will cause the mind … Read More

Laura Moore – Touching Hearts, Healing Souls

Laura Moore, owner of LaTouch Wellness, is a highly-seasoned and equally high-spirited practitioner who began her massage therapist practice in Michigan over 15 years ago, where she worked in spa settings and the local YMCA. One of her most memorable experiences was working at Ora Oxygen Spa, located inside the Detroit Metropolitan International Airport, was where she offered massage therapy, manicure and pedicure services to travelers. Laura expresses her gratitude for this specific experience, as she really enjoyed meeting people from all around the world, and having the opportunity to witness the similarities in all of us. Honored to have her as one of SWIHA’s #GreatGraduates, Laura shares that her continued education with SWIHA has “offered a different approach to my healing practice”. Upon relocating to Arizona, she discovered SWIHA and occasionally attended the monthly “Gifts & Graces” event, where SWIHA opens their doors to the public and features guest … Read More

Moving Through the Muck: How Centering Your Chakras Can Center Your Life!

As a recent or former graduate of SWIHA, I’m sure you can attest to the growing pains you’ve experienced upon leaving school, suddenly tasked with building your own business or practice from the ground up. Of course, you have all of your accumulated wisdom, teachings, experiences, healings, lessons, trials and tribulations to lean on from your time at SWIHA. So what do you do when you get stuck, unmotivated, or caught up in fear and doubt around moving forward? When you hit those imaginary, yet oh-so-real walls? When you just want to give up your path, lay in bed and just binge watch Netflix until your next incarnation (isn’t that how Buddha did it)? The mind can create a million different ways in which you can fail. We’ve all been there, and some of you might be in that space currently. If you’re not, read on, as I’m sure you’ll … Read More

Re-connect and remember … #GreatGraduate Laurel Hernandez affirms that Spirit works in mysterious ways!

Laurel Hernandez definitely had a heroic journey in terms of her path to the Southwest Institute of Healing Arts (SWIHA). In 2005, she spent six months on pain meds and in a back brace after a quad accident. What she didn’t realize is that her life was about to take a 180 degree turn. Laurel recalled how her incredible and arduous path all began: “I had back surgery for a fracture that didn’t heal, got a divorce after 25 years, left a great job of 19 years, moved to a new state leaving family and friends behind, went back to school for a career that didn’t suite me, became a caregiver for my parents before they both passed, and I had lived in a ten mile radius of where I was born for the past 50 years!” All of this left her feeling lost and hopeless. Yet deep down, she … Read More

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