
December Gifts and Graces: Answer the Call

“The Divine does not necessarily call the qualified; the called are qualified by their willingness!” Have you ever felt an inner knowing that you were to do something, yet you just couldn’t quite put your finger on what that something was? Or, have you ever known what you were called to do, yet question why you were called, or if you were really qualified to answer the call? You are not alone! Many people experience an inner itch or urge to step up to a higher calling, yet find themselves questioning! Will Zecco and KC Miller have experienced this exact thing, and have figured out how to step beyond confusion or the “imposter syndrome.” Join them for Gifts and Graces as they share five very specific steps for getting out of your own way, how to tune into what’s really true for you and the prayer to use for continued, … Read More

January Gifts & Graces: Empowering your Mind

Rumi says, “what you seek is seeking you”… perhaps it’s true. The evidence of the power of our minds is undeniable. The ancient texts of the Buddha tell us that no external condition can be the cause of our happiness; only the mind has that ability. When people clearly understand how they are influenced, the root causes of struggle and what we can do with our minds to make things better are revealed. The result is sustainable happiness and radiant joy. As a Buddhist monk, Bhante Sujatha has lived a life dedicated to the cultivation of mind and heart. He has been given a front row seat to the incredible transformations that have developed within so many people that he has taught through his experience on how to empower their minds. Cultivating these qualities will help you to find strength and happiness, as well as nurture in you a burning … Read More

Gifts & Graces: Creating Confidence Through Self-Connection

Join us for an inspiring and transformative talk with Brian and Jasper, two dedicated practitioners in the fields of holistic wellness, embodiment, and empowerment. Brian, a seasoned breathwork practitioner and health coach, brings a unique perspective rooted in Nature, harnessing the wisdom of the natural world to foster self-connection and resilience. Jasper, a fitness and nutrition coach, is driven by the belief that true confidence is born from inner alignment and balance. “Creating Confidence Through Self-Connection,” is a journey towards discovering your most empowered and confident self. Through a blend of practices such as movement, mindful nutrition, breathwork, and meditation, Brian and Jasper will guide you in integrating these transformative tools into your daily routine. By cultivating self-connection through these practices, you will enhance your sense of confidence and pave the way to a more enriching and fulfilled life. Join us as we explore the path to self-assuredness and unlock … Read More

October Gifts and Graces: Remembering the Way Home

Our world is increasingly in a crisis of separation and isolation. With influences all around us seeking to keep us alone and make us forget that we are all connected. We are all related. We all belong. As we move into Autumn when the Earth reminds us of the need to slow down and look within, the most powerful healing comes through remembering our individual and shared humanity. This night, we go on a journey, through Polarity, breath, movement, and sound as we seek to reconnect with our way home. Join Dr. Brad Boute, Gary Strauss and Dr. Steve Kingstein. As part of this night, we are all invited to participate in a Shamanic Healing Ceremony through Music. Composed by Dr. Steve Kingstein, “Songs for the Four Parts of the Night” invites us all to share in the healing words of Owl Woman, a Tohono O’odham woman from the turn … Read More

September Gifts & Graces with Gurudev Shri Amritji

Join Gurudev Shri Amritji as he shares his message from his Book “The Body-The Book of Secrets” “I discovered my body is the Book of Secrets. I experience it through the awakening of prana shakti. When I am connected to the body, the creation of the Divine, I am connected to the Divine that is manifesting through the prana shakti.” – Gurudev Shri Amritji To grasp the revolutionary messages and guidance you do not need to know anything about yoga. You only need an openness to absorb the teachings and surrender to heartfelt urgings from your true self, the divinity within. Allow yourself to receive and feel the vibrations and essence of this work in your core. During Gifts & Graces you will gain tools to end self-destructive habits and compulsive behavior patterns and learn how to find peace within yourself and others. Gurudev Shri Amritji is the original carrier … Read More

Do What You Fear and Fear Will Disappear

Join an inspiring night full of visualizing, setting goals, prioritizing and participating in your Journey! Following John Sanders’ insightful presentation, there will be a special treat! Stay afterwards to watch multiple Bodyworkers demonstrate their Mad-Massage-Skills! Feel the energy that happens when multiple Artists share their knowledge, modalities and body mechanics at the same time, including SPECIAL GUEST, SWIHA Founder KC Miller! John Sanders began his massage practice 30 years ago in Reno, Nevada. Relocating to Arizona in 2001, John established his own private practice. John expanded his education and is certified in Advanced Sports Massage, Advanced Medical Massage, Reiki Master, along with many other modalities. John has been teaching Massage Students as an Instructor for the past 18+ years and has loved every minute being an Instructor at SWIHA. John’s latest achievement in his massage career is being inducted into the World Massage Festival Massage Hall of Fame, this past … Read More

July Gifts and Graces: Finding Your Inspiration and Living Your Bliss

“Follow your bliss and the Universe will open doors for you where there were only walls” – Joseph Campbell. Join us for an inspirational and compelling evening of conversation and resources to help you identify your bliss and why it’s important. We’ll create sacred space to explore the uncertainty of life and the willingness to make our lives even more fulfilling and joy filled. Linda Bennett is the Hypnotherapy Program Director for both our On Campus and Online Hypnotherapy Programs at Southwest Institute of Healing Arts. Linda is a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, Board Certified Hypnotherapy Instructor and Certifying Examiner, and a Certified Life Coach. She has more than 25 years of experience in the fields of Higher Education Development and Corporate Training. Linda was honored to receive the 2022 Lifetime Achievement award from National Association of Transpersonal Hypnotherapists. After Gifts and Graces, come experience a mini energy session from one … Read More

Intuitive Guide Sessions

Join us at SWIHA for the Intuitive Guide Fair Sunday, May 21st 2pm – 415pm. Enjoy 30 minute sessions of astrology, tarot & oracle readings, reiki, polarity and intuitive coaching! Clients may discover new awareness & transformation to help propel them into the future with integration and healing. The sessions may be fun and entertaining or powerfully life changing! It is highly suggested to reserve your spot now, before it’s filled!!! This is a complementary event AND gratuities are so very appreciated. See you there!! Call 480-994-9244 to reserve your spot for the following times: 2:00PM-2:30PM 2:45PM-3:15PM 3:30PM-4:00PM 4:15PM-4:45PM

June Gifts & Graces with Debbie Chamberlain: Mindfulness Matters

Are you feeling overwhelmed, stressed, or anxious in your daily life? Are you searching for tools and strategies to help bring balance and awareness to your daily routine? Join Debbie Chamberlain to learn more about what mindfulness is all about and how to take actionable steps to incorporate mindfulness into your daily life. From increased focus and productivity to reduced stress and anxiety, mindfulness can have a significant impact on your overall well-being. Going beyond the theoretical understanding of mindfulness, you will also learn practical tools and strategies to support your mindfulness practice, including gratitude practice, visualization, goal setting, mindful movement, breath work, and identifying and managing emotions. Debbie Chamberlain is a visionary founder, certified mindfulness practitioner, Yoga (RYT 500), and author who has dedicated her life to helping individuals develop awareness, compassion, and resilience. Since 2001, Debbie has been educating students of all ages, earning her bachelor’s degree in … Read More

May Gifts & Graces: Living with a Breakthrough Mindset

Join us for Living with a Breakthrough Mindset, where we’ll discover the secrets to harness the true power of your mind and reclaim authority over your life. Using a high-charged approach, you’ll learn practical strategies for cultivating calm, control, and resilience that promote rapid change in any area of life. Leave with practical skills of mental mastery and emotional agility that finally equip you to live the breakthrough life you’ve always dreamed of. Roy Bell is a mindfulness coach, speaker, and President of Roy Bell Coaching, Thrive force Team, and serves as an instructor here at SWIHA. Roy works with aspiring entrepreneurs to help them overcome the challenges they face, and get to the other side feeling empowered, confident, and the best versions of themselves. After Gifts and Graces, come experience a mini energy session from one of our practitioners or vendors. Toe Reading, Reiki, Tarot Reading, Polarity, Coaching and … Read More

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