
Ravynn Rohner: Willing to Sit in the Seat of the Teacher

Ravynn Rohner is a graduate who has literally transformed her life and humbly taken space in the seat of the teacher. In 2011, Ravynn started doing yoga regularly in her hometown of Casa Grande, Arizona and her teacher was a Spirit of Yoga graduate. Having taken Cranial Unwinding at SWIHA in 2007, she was familiar with the school, and began thinking about taking the 800-hour Yoga Teacher Training Program. “At the time, I was in my fourth debilitating year of Fibromyalgia (full body pain and fatigue), only taking care of my responsibilities for my son and doing yoga; the rest of the time I was in bed, with my Nana being a huge support system at the time. After meeting with Admissions, I was led to enroll in the Mind-Body Wellness Practitioner Program with concentrations in Life Coaching, Polarity, and Yoga. In the back of my mind, I wondered if … Read More

Yoga Teacher Training

Some of our professional memberships and licensing agencies: Accredited by the Accrediting Council for Continuing Education & Training. Accredited by ACCET – A Partnership for Quality® ACCET is listed by the U.S. Department of Education as a nationally recognized accrediting agency. SWIHA is one of only a few nationally-accredited schools that offer independent diploma programs as well as exclusive yoga teacher training integrated with other healing arts programs. Focus solely on Yoga Teacher Training or combine your training with another career expanding area of healing arts. SWIHA is a Registered Yoga School (RYS) through the internationally recognized Yoga Alliance; as a graduate of our YTT program, you are eligible to register with Yoga Alliance and carry the official designation of Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT). SWIHA’s Unity Yoga Teacher Training provides academic structure and educational freedom while incorporating a living yoga approach. Earn your 200-hour teacher training certificate independently, or explore … Read More

Massage Training Programs at SWIHA

Southwest Institute of Healing Arts built its foundation as a training center for massage therapists nearly three decades ago. Today, we offer a wide variety of courses and degrees in the healing arts, and we continue to provide high quality, affordable massage therapy training for students entering the field as well as for professionals continuing their education. If hands-on healing is your call, we encourage you to take a look at our wonderfully diverse and immersive massage training programs. Whether you feel called to study massage on a full-time or a part-time basis, you’ll find a program at SWIHA that fits your needs and schedule. Choose one of the programs that fit your dream Therapeutic or Ayurvedic Bodywork Track: Professional Massage Practitioner – Therapeutic Practitioner Diploma – 750 hours – 11 months full-time Program Courses – What’s this? As a graduate of this massage training program, you will be prepared … Read More

Alise Holland: Merchant of Hope

Alise Holland, like many of SWIHA’s students, was brought to the school by Spirit. On Labor Day, 2014, she saw a vision of a school for healing and the name, Southwest Institute of Healing Arts, came through in her vision. At the time, she had been teaching in a public classroom for eight years, and took a leap of faith and left the classroom in 2011. Alise shared how, even though she had her Doctorate in Education and had a flexible job, she knew that there was something missing and needed to find out what SWIHA had to offer. “It wasn’t until I attended SWIHA to better understand myself and how I show up in the world… That’s when it became simple; my life purpose is to serve others and be a Merchant of Hope.” Although she grew up in poverty, Alise has realized that nothing is truly wasted, and … Read More

The Arizona Massage School Making a Difference

Southwest Institute of Healing Arts built its foundation as a training center for massage therapists nearly three decades ago. Today, we offer a wide variety of courses and degrees in the healing arts, and we continue to provide high quality, affordable massage therapy training for students entering the field as well as for professionals continuing their education. Our mission remains the same: To provide innovative, contemporary real world experience and the highest standards in a healing arts education. We are committed to supporting the discovery of your essential gifts and supporting you as you carry them out into the world in a loving and profitable way. Start Dates AM October 14, 2024 PM February 24, 2025 Change Lives with the Power of Healing Touch While SWIHA teaches all of the core competencies required of classically educated massage therapists, we also offer you the flexibility to choose what works best for … Read More

Jessica Ireland: Creating “Fertile” Grounds Through Healing

Prior to registering at SWIHA, Jessica Ireland was, in her own words, “barely existing.” “I lacked a post-secondary education, and the 15 years I worked in the finance industry meant nothing while I was applying for employment during the recession. I was struggling to put food on the table and keep a roof over my head, while spiraling further and further into a state of depression.” After receiving a steady stream of rejection letters from potential minimum wage employers, Jessica realized that unless she obtained some form of post-secondary education in an area that was growing throughout North America, she would eventually end up homeless and hungry. Enter SWIHA. “As soon as I discovered SWIHA, I knew that my search for the school and the education I desired was over. I relocated my 3 dogs and myself from Calgary, Alberta Canada to Phoenix, Arizona and haven’t looked back since.” Jessica … Read More

Maria Kalamas: The Happy Healthy Coach

Maria Kalamas opens up to how purposeful her path has been and how her attendance at SWIHA was intended all along. “January of 2010, I was working in a doctor’s office employed as an office manager. The doctor was an MD, yet practicing alternative medicine, specializing in bio-identical hormones. He was helping people heal through proper supplementation, healthy nutrition, bio-identical hormone replacement, Chelation – which is a very effective way to treat heavy-metal poisoning – coaching and outsourcing them to various healing arts therapies, from massage to spiritual coaching and other various holistic practices that he had tried and believed were effective. I soaked in all the information he was giving me because I wanted to help heal people physically, mentally and emotionally,” shared Maria. Maria was extremely grateful for the training that was so well aligned with her passion; yet she had a deep desire for more tools. This … Read More

Kathy Koziol: Magical Mala Mama

Kathy Koziol had just received her license as a Real Estate agent prior to enrolling at SWIHA. She did the job for just a single day, and immediately knew that she wanted her life to head in another direction. She was ready to fulfill her Dharma, her life’s purpose that she was Divinely designed for. Kathy had held many careers throughout her life: Elementary School Teacher, Army Officer, Hearing Instrument Specialist, Luxury Automobile Sales Consultant, Master Gardener and Stay at Home Mom (which she referred to as “Domestic Goddess). “I was very satisfied with my life and always have been. I cherish every moment of the life given to me,” shared Kathy. “Every experience I had, positive or negative, helped me to lay the foundation of where I am today.” However, she wasn’t satisfied with the path she was heading down from a career perspective. Enter SWIHA. Kathy came to … Read More

Tami Sharp – An Unshakable Force

Like many SWIHA students’ stories before, the school just happened to find Tami Sharp. She had just moved to Arizona from Maui, Hawaii with her baby girl, so that she could be closer to her mom. Tami recalled the synchronicities that led her to joining SWIHA. “I had no intention on starting school but after a series of universal events, I tripped across SWIHA and within one week’s time found myself enrolled full time going for a degree in Mind-Body Transformational Psychology with Certifications in Life Coaching, Clinical Hypnotherapy and Reiki.” Before moving to AZ, Tami had spent 10 years on Maui doing a wide range of jobs and businesses. As a professionally trained model and actress, she also had the honor of teaching modeling and acting to teenagers and young adults. It was through these teachings that she really found passion in helping others see their inner beauty, to … Read More

Tiesha Lamb: Working Her Skin Magic!

Tiesha Lamb is a licensed aesthetician and the owner of Skin Voodoo in Gilbert, AZ. She combined her education in nutrition and aesthetics with her love for helping others feel their best. “It is a passion of mine to educate others on how to best care for themselves. I obtained my degree in nutrition from ASU years ago. Because of this, I knew that there is more to skin health than putting a good product on your face. I enrolled at SWINA knowing they had an extensive program that taught more than product knowledge and skin anatomy like other schools in Arizona. No other school sends you out the door as well-rounded as SWINA.” SWINA taught her: The technical skills I needed to obtain employment The art of relaxation, massage and healing therapies Product knowledge The ability to problem-solve and explore alternative solutions for skin concerns In fact, one of … Read More

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