
Attitudes Are Contagious By Jasmine Kearns, SWIHA student of Mind-Body Transformational Psychology

We have all lived through the following scenario or something similar: You wake up in the morning and are well rested, refreshed, and ready to start your day. You happily get ready and you might even sing along to the songs playing on the radio while driving in your car. You are in a wonderful mood and feel as if you are on top of the world. You get to work and head to your desk. All of a sudden your supervisor comes over and hands you a mountain of work along with a deadline that seems impossible to reach. As you go through the mountain of work and complete the assignments, you feel as though maybe you will make the deadline after all. However, after lunch your supervisor comes to tell you that your work is mediocre and needs to be redone. But you know that you did your … Read More

Have No Fear by Quentin McCain aka Coach Q

Growing up as an only child with a single mother, Quintin McCain has seen his fair share of struggle. He candidly shares how he chose to hang out with gangsters in his adolescent years. As a result, Quentin found himself involved in activities ranging from selling drugs to carrying weapons. Although Quentin attended four different high schools, he succeeded in completing his high school diploma. At the age of eighteen, he fell asleep at the wheel of this vehicle and crashed into a light pole, leaving him with a broken femur, fractured ribs, a punctured lung, and a new lease on life. It was this unexpected incident that helped him to realize he was put on this earth for a reason—to change the world for the better. The next event that forever impacted Quentin’s life was the birth of his beautiful daughter, Alyssa. Upon her birth, Quentin vowed to be … Read More

Lindsey Gemme: Helping Women Feel Whole Again

It took Lindsey Gemme a few years of mulling over what she wanted to do with her life before officially starting in the Holistic Nutrition Specialist program at the Southwest Institute of Healing Arts (SWIHA). She discovered SWIHA while on her original search for a school to study herbalism. Once she explored all of the degrees and certificate offered at the college she was in love. “SWIHA had programs for all of the healing disciplines I was interested in: Herbalism, Yoga, Reiki, and even Nutrition.” After choosing to specialize in nutrition, she chose to take the Transformational Life Coach program as well, realizing how hand-in-hand coaching and holistic nutrition go. Like so many people before her, Lindsey declares that SWIHA felt like home. “Whenever you walk into SWIHA, you feel like you’ve come home because you know you are among your ‘tribe’ of like-minded people. There is such a feeling … Read More

Flower Essences: How to Get Started – Guest Post by Alise Holland

As a recent Great Graduate from the Southwest Institute of Healing Arts (SWIHA), I was a bit nervous about getting my first client for a flower essence session. It all started when a client learned about my services online and wanted a spiritual reading. As the reading began to unfold, Spirit shared some spiritual visions and insights that wowed the client. It was very clear that she was a ‘Lightworker’ who had gotten out of touch with her true spiritual self. I asked her if she had ever heard of flower essence and she said “no, however, I’m open and willing to try them.” It was the perfect opportunity to explain what flower essence was and how it worked. Therefore, I mailed her flower essence brochure to share with her all about flower essence, how it worked, and the type of flower essence services we offered at our healing center. … Read More

Susan White – Great Energy Creates a Great Life!

Growing up in a small town located just outside of North Little Rock, Arkansas, Susan White joined the Air Force at age of 17 and spent the next 12 ½ years traveling the world, connecting with different cultures, exploring new places, and becoming aware that there is more to life that meets the eye – and that, in the end, it’s all about ‘energy’. After the birth of her daughter, Susan began to experience a deep calling for something different—almost as if there was an ‘energy’ leading her to search for more. She followed that ‘energy’ or ‘calling’ and decided to start a new journey outside of military life. Almost as if to counter balance the male-dominated-structured life she had lived for over a decade, Susan’s new path led her to do intuitive readings and eventually, using tarot cards. Along her path, as Susan felt a deep desire to expand … Read More

10 Signs That Indicate YOU are An Empath – by SWIHA Graduate Laura Wilkinson

You are highly sensitive to the emotions of other people. You have the ability to feel the energies of people, places and objects. You experience feelings of anxiousness associated with social situations. You experience general feelings of anxiousness. You experience general feelings of sadness. Being around negative people is overwhelming or unbearable for you. You experience exhaustion, or feel mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually depleted after being around certain people. You frequently experience heightened senses or feelings of sensory overload. Your emotions and thoughts are easily influenced by music, tv and/or movies. You feel things that you just can’t explain and which you can’t pinpoint the source of where it comes from. The number one skill to becoming an Empath Master is: to first know yourself. This might sound like an obvious answer to an obvious problem, after all how can you know the difference between what feelings come from … Read More

Zoey Greco – a combination of a mermaid, a hippie, and a gypsy

Zoey Greco was wrapping up her studies towards a Bachelor’s degree in sunny, Southern California back in 2012 when she began to feel a bit lost about how she was going to move forward in her life. “I knew I wanted to be a healer, yet I had NO idea how to enter into such a metaphysical field. I pondered how could I tell my family who had poured thousands of dollars into my education that I wanted to be an intuitive channel and energy healer?” All of her friends were applying and receiving acceptance letters to graduate programs or Fulbright scholarships and Zoey was wondering how she could possibly make her dreams a reality. Other careers have more clear paths to success—formal internships, graduate programs, the rat race. Zoey knew that those paths were not for her. As Zoey tells the story, “I confided these concerns to a like-minded … Read More

Nancy Santana ~ Living in a State of Gratitude

If you were to pinpoint Nancy Santana’s philosophy on life you could use her Pinterest description: “I am an empowerment lifestyle spirit junkie — loving anything mind-body wellness! I love holistic… intuitive…spiritual! I am the founder of the #chooseLOVE movement and The Lotus Wellness Center. Follow me!” Nancy Santana was going through some major transitions and shifts in her life when a friend first told her about SWIHA. “I had transformed my body . . . yet something was missing and that was the mind-body-spirit connection,” shared Nancy, who recently completed the Mind-Body Transformational Psychology program at Southwest Institute of Healing Arts. Her passion for this program developed from deep within her soul. She recalled how she lit up when first saw the list of Spiritual Studies courses that were part of her program: “I believe that my Spirit fired up my passion. In everything that I do, I am … Read More

Sarah Peters: Finding Zen

Before she found SWIHA, Sarah Peters a young woman, working a stressful job in a medical office – She was sick, overweight, and lost. “I was just starting to expand my health knowledge and learning how to self-heal. As I was searching for photography schools online, I ‘accidentally’ stumbled upon SWIHA,” shared Sarah. After ‘stumbling’ onto SWIHA’s website, Sarah enrolled into the Mind/Body Transformational Psychology program, specializing in hypnotherapy, Reiki, Life Coaching and yoga. Sarah became fascinated with almost every subject in her program: “I love the psychology of the mind; I love having deep conversations with people and I have always been sensitive to energies – other people’s energy as well as mine! It was so amazing to find a program that connected everything together for me – mind, body, energy and coaching!” Sarah is currently transitioning into a Sound/Energy Healer and Yoga Teacher position at Knead Me Wellness … Read More

Kristin Apodaca – Using Her Mind-Body Transformational Psychology Degree To Bring Healing To Others

Like many SWIHA students, Kristin Apodaca’s path to SWIHA was full of trials and tribulations. Nearly seven years ago, Kristin and her family moved to Arizona for her husband’s new job, leaving her family and old life behind in Boca Raton, Florida. On the outside, she had it all: a loving husband, four beautiful and healthy children, a large home and many friend — and yet, as Kristin revealed, she felt like she had no idea who she was as a person. Seven years of being a stay-at-home-mom took their toll on her.She spent that time feeling very resentful towards her husband for having to work such long hours, taking him away from their family and herself. All of these factors led her to a breaking point. “I had lost my identity,” confessed Kristin. After briefly using anti-depressants to help cope with her anxiety and depression, she knew there had … Read More

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