
Talibah Young Veverly: Tapping Into the Soul of Healing

Talibah Young Veverly always knew she was meant to be a healer. When she was a child, her deep connection to the wide-open starry skies of Missouri nights made her feel like she was a part of something much greater. The vast forests around her home also echoed this sentiment. As an adult, she’s had countless synchronicities that have reminded her that she was indeed meant to be a healer. There was the time in 2002 at the Arco Arena in Sacramento when a lady began shouting to her across the room, “You’re a healer!” She hurriedly came over to Talibah, put her hands on her shoulders, looked her in the eyes, and said “I’m a minister’s wife and I can see Jesus in your face. You’re meant to do healing work.” Then she just walked away, leaving Talibah in shock! Then one time she had an astrological reading, where … Read More

Courtney Long: An Angel in Disguise!

Courtney Long’s journey to SWIHA was, well, long. Her journey began back in 2002, while she was working as a social worker in Michigan. She was helping adults with Alzheimer’s, dementia, serious mental illnesses, developmental disabilities and traumatic injuries. While she loved to help people, the job was mentally and spiritually exhausting, and never quite felt like her true calling. While in Michigan Courtney starting hearing of this new thing called Life Coaching, yet the timing wasn’t ever quite right to do anything about it. Learning the importance of listening to our guts or inner knowing, not just with our minds, was a crucial lesson for me.” ~ Courtney Long

Tarah Hunter & Lacey Storm: Two GreatGraduates, Sweeter than Sugar!

The moment you step foot inside Sugar Sugar salon in Scottsdale, AZ, you are in for a sweet treat. One can expect to be greeted by a jovial and genuine staff member – oftentimes the owner herself, Aimee, or one of two graduates from the Southwest Institute of Natural Aesthetics (SWINA), Tarah Hunter or Lacey Storm. Lacey and Tarah find themselves happily employed as licensed aestheticians for a growing franchise due to their enrollment at SWINA. Lacey recalls her initial decision to attend the award-winning college, stating “I’ve always had a deep desire to help other people – even stemming as far back as when my sister struggled with skin concerns and the bullying that came with it. Nurturing her and others has always made me feel purposeful. I placed quite a bit of pressure on myself to find my ideal path and when a close friend highly recommended becoming … Read More

Chrystal Kubis – Five Top Tips for SWIHA Grads & Holistic Entrepreneurs

This week’s blog comes in the form of a video from my dear friend, guide, and former SWIHA graduate, Chrystal Kubis. In it, she shares her five insightful tips for recent SWIHA grads. Still a student, or thinking about becoming one? Don’t fear, as her wisdom applies to most anyone! About Chrystal Kubis Chrystal Kubis is a life navigation specialist, passion igniter and master empowerment coach. Utilizing her wide toolbox of modalities gathered over 18 years of training and experience, she serves as a powerful facilitator of freedom that has led trainings on personal transformation and empowerment across the country. Alongside a degree in Holistic Healthcare, her training is extensive in the fields of mind, body and spirit wellness including certifications as a: Transformational Life Coach, Massage Therapist, Yoga Instructor, Ordained Minister, Qi Gong Healer, Reiki Master and International Womens Circle Leader. Teaching and traveling internationally she’s worked with The … Read More

9 Ways to Overcome Creative Blocks

Dear One, are you like me? Do you sometimes get stuck creatively? Although these blocks can be crippling, fear not! We (you and I) are going to get through this, and here’s how: 1. Try to figure out what’s stoppin’ you At the core of creative blocks of any kind, I usually find some kind of deeply rooted belief that we don’t deserve to create the life we desire. Somehow a crazy, non-serving thought slips into our head that we’re not good enough, smart enough, driven enough, talented enough, gifted enough. The list goes on. Personally speaking, I’ve struggled with this a lot in the past, whether it was my fear of not being a good enough writer/singer/musician/artist . . . you name it, just fill in the blank ____________! What have you not felt ‘good enough’ about? The fear of failure (and of greatness) lurks perpetually around the corner, … Read More

Laura Moore – Touching Hearts, Healing Souls

Laura Moore, owner of LaTouch Wellness, is a highly-seasoned and equally high-spirited practitioner who began her massage therapist practice in Michigan over 15 years ago, where she worked in spa settings and the local YMCA. One of her most memorable experiences was working at Ora Oxygen Spa, located inside the Detroit Metropolitan International Airport, was where she offered massage therapy, manicure and pedicure services to travelers. Laura expresses her gratitude for this specific experience, as she really enjoyed meeting people from all around the world, and having the opportunity to witness the similarities in all of us. Honored to have her as one of SWIHA’s #GreatGraduates, Laura shares that her continued education with SWIHA has “offered a different approach to my healing practice”. Upon relocating to Arizona, she discovered SWIHA and occasionally attended the monthly “Gifts & Graces” event, where SWIHA opens their doors to the public and features guest … Read More

Re-connect and remember … #GreatGraduate Laurel Hernandez affirms that Spirit works in mysterious ways!

Laurel Hernandez definitely had a heroic journey in terms of her path to the Southwest Institute of Healing Arts (SWIHA). In 2005, she spent six months on pain meds and in a back brace after a quad accident. What she didn’t realize is that her life was about to take a 180 degree turn. Laurel recalled how her incredible and arduous path all began: “I had back surgery for a fracture that didn’t heal, got a divorce after 25 years, left a great job of 19 years, moved to a new state leaving family and friends behind, went back to school for a career that didn’t suite me, became a caregiver for my parents before they both passed, and I had lived in a ten mile radius of where I was born for the past 50 years!” All of this left her feeling lost and hopeless. Yet deep down, she … Read More

Christa Rimmer – Making Sense of the Shifts and Giggles of Life

Written by StevieAnne Petitt In 2012, Christa Rimmer was desperately searching for something, but she couldn’t quite grasp what she was missing or searching for. In a state of curiosity and courage, she ventured out on a series of first-time experiences, including a trip to Sedona, diving into the practice of meditation, and sessions with both a psychic and a hypnotherapist for a past-life regression. She felt restless in wanting to know everything and to truly find what resonated with her. She claims that she felt awakened, but lost, for nearly two months following these new events. As she was finishing up her bachelor’s degree in Psychology at ASU, she quickly became disenchanted with the idea of continuing on. Christa jokingly shared that in hindsight, she knew she was onto a new path when she excitedly mistook her curriculum’s Astronomy class for Astrology. Disenchanted with the path she was on … Read More

Nine Tips to Help You Get Ready, Get Set, and GO into Business

By KC Miller – SWIHA Success Center Blogger Going into business for yourself isn’t something to be taken lightly. However, if you wait for all the lights to turn green, you might never leave the driveway of your mind! There is an old saying, “It is better to have loved and lost, than to have never loved at all.” The same is true about business. While it may be true many small business fail, many make it! Here are some tips to help you GO for it! 1. GO get a business card. Decide what you are willing to offer as a service, claim it as yours, and put it on a card. You can get inexpensive business cards by going to websites like or . Often your first set of up to 250 cards will be free. Order them! Your card will likely change many times over … Read More

Embodying a Full Time Career as a Massage Therapist

Like many students who attend SWIHA (Southwest Institute of Healing Arts), Elizabeth Brotherson came to the school looking for an alternative career path. She was hoping to supplement her income as a preschool teacher by earning a living doing something she was passionate about. Elizabeth had always been drawn to energy work and had a natural intuition for knowing when someone might need help or healing, so when she found SWIHA, she knew it was the perfect fit for her. “SWIHA embraces the total embodiment of the healing arts, encouraging you to use your natural abilities, while giving you the tools to take it that extra step to make you a successful therapist,” she explains regarding what attracted her to SWIHA. Elizabeth, or Beth, as she often goes by, enrolled in SWIHA’s Professional Massage Practitioner 750 hour program, and immediately began her journey to becoming a Licensed Massage Therapist. She … Read More

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