Blogs Tagged as Southwest Institute of Healing Arts

Are YOU on the Pathway to Wealth?

By Kerry Burki ~ SWIHA Success Center Blogger Are you ready to step into your inner power so you can manifest a successful business? Does the idea of doing that excite or scare you? Or both? Let us help you take that step. Join us at the Spirit of Business Conference and Prosperity Workshop on October 17th. Are you ready to be inspired? Our main speaker, May McCarthy, recently wrote and released The Path to Wealth: Seven Spiritual Steps for Financial Abundance. Just look at some of the wisdom she shares: “There is an intelligent and divine source that created the one and only you, you must by your very nature have something to offer the world that is unique and remarkable.” ~ May McCarthy Do you personally know and feel this at your deepest core yet? Are you ready to get clear on what your offering is? “As you … Read More

Courtney Long: An Angel in Disguise!

Courtney Long’s journey to SWIHA was, well, long. Her journey began back in 2002, while she was working as a social worker in Michigan. She was helping adults with Alzheimer’s, dementia, serious mental illnesses, developmental disabilities and traumatic injuries. While she loved to help people, the job was mentally and spiritually exhausting, and never quite felt like her true calling. While in Michigan Courtney starting hearing of this new thing called Life Coaching, yet the timing wasn’t ever quite right to do anything about it. Learning the importance of listening to our guts or inner knowing, not just with our minds, was a crucial lesson for me.” ~ Courtney Long

Nickole Swensen: Healing Lives from the Inside Out!

As a fashion design graduate and stay-at-home mom of two boys, Nickole Swensen thought feeling lackluster and exhausted was normal. She realized she had taken advantage of her health and let herself go for too long. With my poor self-care and health habits she started to not fit into her clothes, she had issues with swelling in her body, was constantly tired and was unable to get help from my family physician. Once he decided to make her health a priority she found her energy again, felt rejuvenated, and became a happier woman and mom. Nickole became hooked on this new healthier, happier lifestyle and decided to pursue a career in wellness. In her journey to heal herself, she found her true passion and purpose was in helping others heal themselves heal from the inside out, just the way her healed herself. Once Nickole discovered her gifts and knew she … Read More

Dare to Dream

by Mary Ritter Let’s explore dreaming BIG using the acronym D-R-E-A-M! By definition, a dream is described as: a series of thoughts, visions, or feelings that happen during sleepan idea or vision that is created in your imagination and that is not realsomething that you have wanted very much to do, be, or have for a long time Source: Merriam-Webster Dictionary Often the pace of each day comes with a list of responsibilities and duties, leaving little or no time for dreaming. The imageries of success could be for better employment possibilities, aspirations to make our families proud of us, to be the first in our families to pursue a post-secondary education degree or diploma, or even to own our own business. The reasons we all desire success are as numerous as the stars in the sky. From a career perspective, we daydream about what life could be like in … Read More

Massage Therapist William Mauzerall: Listening With His Hands and His Heart

William Mauzerall’s transformational journey from military service to massage therapist is an inspirational testimony of accepting and leaning into life’s opportunities. William, an honored military veteran, completed three years of services to our country and found himself at a crossroads after completing his military career. Having been fortunate to have the GI Bill assist with funding his educational dreams, William asked for guidance from his brother on the educational direction in which he should travel. William, a strategic thinker with an openness to consider many educational endeavors pursued the Massage Therapy program at SWIHA (Southwest Institute of Healing Art) for a few reasons: He would earn an associate’s degree from an accredited institution, he could enjoy the climate of the Southwest and it was a program that gave him man options to choose from in developing his gifts. William describes a peace and serenity in making his decision to pursue … Read More

Helping Others Achieve their Best Self, One Facial at a Time

Linda Binette’s education at Southwest Institute of Natural Aesthetics (SWINA) brought more gifts to her life than she could have ever imagined. From the moment Linda toured the SWINA campus, she was confident it was the school for her. As a branch of Southwest Institute of Healing Arts, she knew that SWINA would provide her with the holistic education she was looking for. “I was interested in healing arts – treating the whole person: mind, body and spirit,” says Linda. “When I took my tour of the school, I was so impressed by the great energy I felt, the friendliness and professionalism of the staff, and the beautiful facility! I knew in my heart that I didn’t need to look anywhere else!” So Linda began her Natural Aesthetics program at SWINA. In addition to hands-on aesthetics training, such as skin care, makeup and waxing, spa technologies and even holistic theory … Read More

Following her “hART”: Great Graduate Lisa Hecke’s Road to Entrepreneurship

By Jenna Zizzo Six years ago, Lisa Hecke felt lost. More than that, she was frustrated, angry and unhappy. No longer satisfied in her day job, Lisa found herself hunched over her knees, crying, sobbing, and seeking a new path. She recalls asking aloud for help, gasping through tears and heart wrenching sobs. “Please show me how to be happy again,” she begged the universe. “If I am meant to stay at this job then please show me how to be happy there, but if I am meant to move on then please show me where to go.” Suddenly, Lisa says, in one breath her entire body relaxed. A sense of calm washed over her, and she was finally able to surrender. This surrendering and asking for change was the first step on Lisa’s journey to career transformation. Almost immediately, Lisa began to see great opportunities open up before her … Read More

B-I-T-E Into a Healthy Lifestyle

By Dee McCaffrey If you’ve been chewing on the thought of improving your food choices and starting your journey toward a healthy lifestyle, there is no better time to begin than now. March is National Nutrition Month, an annual campaign organized by the American Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics aimed at educating and empowering Americans into healthier lifestyles. The theme for this year’s nutrition month is “Bite into a Healthy Lifestyle” which encourages everyone to make informed food choices, keep portion sizes in check and engage in fitness routines that are meaningful and enjoyable. The word “bite” means to take a small piece of a bigger portion, chew it well, savor the flavor and then swallow before taking the next bite. This year’s theme can be interpreted to mean that healthy living is not about making grand changes all at once. Rather, it is a steady continual process that allows … Read More

From Small Business Owner to Spa Director: Great Graduate Jorinda Nardone

While Jorinda Nardone currently holds the title of Spa Director of the 40,000 square foot Green Valley Ranch Spa in Las Vegas, the road to this level of success was paved with hard work, long hours and dedication. A 2001 graduate of Southwest Institute of Healing Arts’ (SWIHA) Massage Program, Jorinda came to SWIHA for what she thought was a career change, however, during her program she began to notice a transformation within herself, and heal old wounds in the process. Taking a look at herself and her healing process led Jorinda on a completely different path than the one she originally intended to take. Once graduated, and armed with an array of knowledge and her massage license, Jorinda went to work launching her business. She opened her first business, Lemongrass Massage Therapy, and quickly started to see clients. Jorinda jumped at the chance to open her own business, because … Read More

Experience Three Healthy Snacks in Honor of National Nutrition Month

By Melanie Albert, Guest Blogger March is National Nutrition Month, a month dedicated to nutrition and education. National Nutrition Month was created by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, focusing on the importance of making informed food choices and healthy eating habits. So the perfect way to kick off this month is with some fun, healthy snacks! This is a great time to add three delicious healthy snacks, primarily inspired by a vegan and raw food way of eating, to your life. Have fun this week trying superfoods including raw cocoa and goji berries, and make your own almond butter. Take a Look at Some favorite Childhood Snacks “As a kid one of my very favorite snacks was red licorice. I think one of the reasons I love goji berries is because they are red and chewy, just like the licorice I used to love as a kid.” – Melanie … Read More

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